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I hope you're feeling great
today. I saw you discard my
note yesterday. It's alright,
I understand if you think it's
a prank. But I want to genuinely
express my feelings for you.

Anyway, do you know something?
Roses are red, violets are blue
I didn't know what perfect was
until I met you.

You look adorable today.

As soon as he read the contents of the
note in his locker, Minho whipped his
head to both sides. He scanned the area;
a few boys casually picked things from
their lockers and left. To the right,
a disinterested boy with messy brown
hair and circular frames sat cross
legged, back pressed against the row
of red lockers. Minho stared at the boy.

'Han Jisung is always reading that book, huh?'

Unable to spot any fidgety girls who
looked suspicious, Minho gave up and
began walking to his chemistry class.
Once again, he smashed the paper in his
hands and threw it into the dustbin,
without a care.
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