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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Minho, this isn't healthy..
I like you way too much, I
think I'll explode with love
for you :(

Who allowed you to wear that
silk black shirt? And leave the
first buttons open? iamnotokay
Anyway, I hope today's a great
day for you, angel.

By now it had become Minho's new habit;
to carry his diary with him everywhere -
The brown leathered journal that held the
anonymous notes. It was lunchtime and the
trio sat at their usual table. Minho reread
the most recent note he had received. A
content sigh escaped his lips.

Changbin snorted, "Are you in love or
what, popular boy?"
He took a sip of
his vanilla milk (While also reaching
out to steal Chan's food).

Minho's lips curled into a flustered smile.
He didn't respond. He closed the book and
pushed it aside, then cupped his face.

"Now your face is all red." Changbin
chuckled, prying Minho's hands away.

"Shut up, rotten pizza slice." Minho

Before Changbin could think of a come
back, his attention deviated from his
friend to somebody in the back.

Both Chan and Minho turned their heads,
curious, just in time to catch Felix walk
by with Jisung by his side. The said
Australian did not take his eyes off
Changbin, a flirtatious smirk playing on
his lips. Changbin coughed, then cleared
his throat.

Chan clenched his jaw. "Oh, it's Min's
secret admirer."

Minho snapped his head to Chan's emotionless
voice. He frowned. "Jisung is not my secret
admirer, leave the boy alone."

"Sure he's not." Chan looked away, a weak
smile on his face.

Minho and Changbin had
already changed the topic, now chatting
about irrelevant subjects, totally oblivious
to the hurt in Chan's downturned gaze.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

a;nin chanlix, minho gets hurt and in minsung, chan gets hurt

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in chanlix, minho gets hurt and in minsung, chan gets hurt... wow, you guys must love me so much

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