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It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
At least, for every other student, it wasn't.
After a few whispers and snickers, people
went back to their businesses.

But Minho remained frozen in place. His mind
raced. Suddenly realising his friend was right
in front of him, he gasped and blinked a
few times.

"Fuck you, Minho. You're the worst."

And that was it. He didn't move, even as
Changbin spat the words and stormed off. Then
Minho heard Chan's voice, but it was far,
far away. Although the blond stood next to
him. Minho's mind went blank. Then his
heart wrenched.

The memory didn't leave his mind. The
absolute hurt in Jisung's glassy eyes as
Minho voiced his words. The way his precious
lips trembled downwards. How little tear
drops welled up behind the brunette's glasses
as he stumbled backwards and turned on his
heels to run away.

"Let's go, Min." Chan was starting to get
irked. He shook his friend, but the latter
refused to move.

He stood still, eyes trained to the direction
Jisung had fled off to.

"Chan he.." Minho started in a strained

Chan clicked his tongue. "Forget him, at
least the trouble's over now. Come on." He
shrugged, dragging Minho away by his arm.

But Chan couldn't resist the smirk that
made way to his face. His smirk soon turned
into a grin. A victorious grin.
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