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It was lunch break. Jisung was heading
to an empty table with his best friend.

"Hey Han!"

The two boys stopped walking in sync,
Jisung whipping his head to the voice.
He was met with Minho's blond best friend
right before him, too close for comfort.

"W-What is it..?" Jisung gulped, stepping
back. Felix stood by his side, confused.

Chan gripped his shoulder harshly, a
lopsided smirk on his face. He didn't
reply. Without allowing Jisung time to
think, Chan roughly dragged Jisung over
to a table.

Jisung's heart skipped. Minho was right
there. Minho looked dumbstruck, so
did the boy seated with him, Changbin.

Chan smirked at his best friends, then
faced Jisung.

"So!" He started enthusiastically (a
little too loud), "You're Minho's secret
admirer, right? You leave love notes in
his locker every day."

There was silence. The chatters around had
come to a halt once Chan's loud tone voiced
the words, grabbing everyone's attention.

Jisung was flustered. His throat went dry.
Felix noticed and was quick to defend
his friend.

"What are you saying? Let go of him." Felix
spat, grabbing his friend free from Chan's
grip on his shoulder.

Chan glanced at Minho, smirking. "It's
this boy. How gay." He mocked.

Jisung sensed the whispers erupt in
the cafeteria. He bit his lips. He wanted
to deny it, but there were gravels in his
throat. He couldn't speak. He locked
eyes with Changbin's sympathetic gaze.

After a painful moment, Minho sighed
uncomfortably. "Don't be absurd, leave
him alone." He shrugged. "Jisung, go
eat something."

"Y-Yeah thanks." Jisung stuttered. Felix
glared at the blond Australian, before
dragging Jisung away.
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