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I'm sorry I couldn't leave the
note yesterday. So here it is,
with today's note.

I hope you've been well these
days. Honestly, seeing you laugh
with your friends makes me really
happy. You make me happy. You're
my happiness, Minho.

Making sure to arrive earlier, Jisung
smiled in relief. He slid the two notes
into Minho's locker, then turned around
to meet the boy who had accompanied
him today.

"Alright Changbin, what help did you want?"

Jisung adjusted the back strap of
his bag, awaiting Changbin's reply.

"You're friends with the new Australian
student right?" Changbin stepped
closer, making sure he wasn't loud.

"Felix? He's my best friend."

Changbin thought for a while. "Get
him to like me somehow. I don't know
how to approach him." He said,
brushing his reddish-brown hair back.

Jisung smiled happily. "He has a crush
on you already."

Changbin widened his eyes in surprise,
"Woah- seriously? That's unexpected."
He chuckled.

"I'll give you his number."

Changbin nodded in agreement, "Thanks.
I'll skip Chemistry so you can sit next
to Minho if you're early enough."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

a;n - me reading my own story: hm

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a;n - me reading my own story: hm. seems like the calm before a sto-

NOTES  ーminsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now