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Another day of school came to an end.
The walk home was tiring today. Way
more than it would've been every other
time. Minho felt drained; not because last
period was P.E, more so because he had
shut himself in a restroom stall for
half the day, until he had no tears
left to stain his cheeks.

It seemed as if hours of crying had
sucked the life out of him. And with
each slow step, he continued to ask
himself, what were these heart-wrenching
feelings? Earlier that day, he had attempted
to ask Felix to let him meet Jisung, but
the latter, of course, turned him down
right away.

Once he reached his doorstep, something
caught his eye.

A bouquet of daffodils.

His heart rate accelerated. He carefully
picked it off the porch and flipped
over the note tagged on it.

I don't want to sound
creepy. I know you hate
me. But Felix told me
you haven't been looking
well these days. Please
take care of yourself.
-Han Jisung.

Daffodils symbolize
unrequited love.
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