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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Lee Minho,

My sweet, sweet angel,
Will you be the
mint to my chocolate?

Turn around if it's a yes,
Or stay still if it's a yes.

Or maybe,
breathe if it's a yes.

Lets just pretend like you
didn't ask me out before I
could ask you out sksksk
I had this planned for

I love you, Min.
-Your love, Han Jisung.

Ps. Stop apologizing
please, I forgive u :(

"And should I also pretend like you
aren't right here peering into my
face with that squishy grin?"

Minho let out a husky chuckle as
Jisung hid behind him at his words.
He turned around to face the brunette
with a smile; a smile that bloomed
with undying love.

"Yes, then I'll pretend I didn't see
a bunch of yellow paint markers inside
your locker."

For once, Minho was the one to blush
at Jisung's comment. He immediately
turned on his heels and heard Jisung
giggle behind him, then hands wrapped
around his waist.

"So is this the final- oh?"

Jisung tiptoed to peer over his
boyfriend's shoulder once he heard
Minho cut his sentence short. Minho
only now noticed a plain white sheet,
folded in half, that laid over his
books inside.

He took it and unfolded it, with
Jisung now by his side waiting to
see what the unfamiliar note was

At least before I leave,
I want to get this off my

I love you, Minho.

And I'm sorry. I'm so
awfully sorry.

If I never return, don't
look for me. I promise you
I'll be safe somewhere. You
truly were the best friend
I ever made,

But my selfish heart

wanted more.

I'm sorry. I ruined us.

Jisung stared at the paper in
confusion as he read over the words
again. He noticed Minho's grip on the
paper tighten, causing it to slightly
crumple. Then, a drop of tear. It
moistened the paper and smudged
the black ink.

Jisung glanced at Minho with worry,
and still, confusion. "Min.. Why
are you crying?"

Minho blinked away the blur coating
his vision, then wiped the tears
off with his sleeve, his eyes never
leaving the overly familiar, messy

"This is Chan's handwriting.."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

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