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"We can work on it afterwards.
How's that sound? Min?"
Chan peered into Minho's face as
the two walked down the streets,
Minho's hand in Chan's, to spend
the night at the blond's place.

Minho didn't respond. He stopped on
his tracks, eyes fixed on something.
Or someone. But because their hands
were still intertwined, Chan stumbled
backwards when he walked ahead
of Minho.

"Ji.. Jisung.."

Chan stared at the boy in
disbelief. "What are-"

Like he was possessed, Minho tore
his hand away from Chan and stepped
forward slowly, then gradually sped up,
walking across the road. He grabbed a
passerby by the shoulder. "Jisung?"

Chan watched silently. The passerby shot
a perplexed look and moved back just
as Minho stepped back once he realised
it was a stranger.

Chan sighed. He inched closer to
Minho, who stared at the stranger
walk away.

"Minho..? What's gotten into you?"

Minho remained silent. He then wiped
his eyes with his sleeves. Chan noticed
Minho's lips quiver downwards.

"Chan I-" And that was it. He couldn't
speak another word. His voice muffled
into sobs. He cried like a lost
little child, furiously wiping the
tears away with trembling hands.
He sank to his knees, too caught up
in his heartache to feel the harsh
impact of the concrete floor.

"It- s-something hurts inside, Chan,"
Minho paused, feeling the pain settle
in his heart. His breathing was ragged.
"I- I've never fallen in love -so
I don't- I don't know what it is.."

Minho hiccuped. "I-I was flustered,
I didn't mean it.. I didn't mean
it Chan.. I miss him.."

Allowing the boy to cry his eyes out,
Chan remained silent, this time with
a different ache twisting his heart.
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