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The whispers pounded against Jisung's
ears. He frantically collected the squared
sheets and threw it in between the pages
of his book, then stumbled to his feet. He
could feel the stares burning into his skin.
It made him sick. But he didn't dare raise
his head. He held the book close to his
chest with trembling hands. He heard Chan's
devilish chuckle again.

"Told ya. This boy is the one."
Chan snickered.

Once he said it out loud, gasps echoed
throughout the hallway. The little traces
of whispers that reached Jisung's ears
weren't in the slightest bit positive.

'Minho is straight'
'How dare he cause Minho trouble'

Jisung sucked in a weak breath. The world
was starting to turn blurry.

Had he looked up earlier, he would have
witnessed the shock register on Minho's bright
red face; mouth agape and eyes darting around.
Instead, Jisung's now glassy eyes stayed
fixed on the floor.

Agonizing seconds dragged by.

"Y-You know I'm... I'm not gay."

Jisung's head snapped up. He locked eyes with
the one he loved so dearly. His breath halted.
Minho's shaky voice drilled into his head.
And mayhaps, into his his heart as well.
But now, Minho was first to look away. He
opened and closed his mouth, trying to
find the right words.

Then he looked at the Jisung again.

"That's gross. I- I'm sorry.."
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