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Hey Minho,
Sorry I didn't text you.. I'm
afraid you'll find out who I am
if I do, and then you'll hate me :(

I can't imagine how I'd continue
to live if you ever hated me. That
will hurt so, so bad. So I'd rather
you not find out who I am, honestly.
It's nerve wracking to even picture.
I just love you way too much Minho.

During first period, Minho was not
concentrating on what Mrs. Hyejin was
teaching, neither did he focus on the words
Chan spoke next to him. Minho was too busy
deciding on whether he should use a square
ruled paper or an ordinary college ruled
sheet to jot down a reply. A response to
his so called secret admirer.

Once he made up his mind to stick to his
Usual checked paper, he grabbed his gel pen
with a broad grin. Minho was keen on
reassuring the anonymous person that their
feelings were 'valid' (as he had planned to
word his response), and that he would never
come to hate someone so genuine and sweet.
He didn't notice Chan had stopped talking
and was now staring at him with an obvious
frown warping his features, and a trace of
longing filtered over his saddened eyes.
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