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a;n - hi. Just warning you, this is an actual full chapter (unlike the usual less-than-400 words ones) so forgive Maya if you don't like it T_T

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A peaceful Sunday. The cold weather wasn't too harsh. A pleasant melody played in the café to set just the right mood for a perfect, romantic date, with the delicious aroma of hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies tinged in the air. Minho chose a table by the glass walls and sunk into the red-cushioned seat. He slid both hands into the pockets of his grey hoodie. Well, not his. Jisung's, to be more precise. He was engulfed in the peace, and maybe, in the sweet scent of his boyfriend's hoodie as well.

"You look fresher now that you're out of the closet."

Minho tore his gaze from the night streets and looked to the voice. His face softened into a smile. "Changbin. I didn't expect to see you here." Minho gestured for his best friend to sit on the opposite seat. "It's my fourteenth date with Jisung today." Minho grinned proudly, his pale cheeks dusted with a blush.

Once he sat down, Changbin leaned back and relaxed. "Damn you kept count?" He chuckled. "They're placing the orders together." He spoke as he took the black cap off his newly-dyed black hair, which he ruffled.

Minho tilted his head with a questioning glance. "They who?"

"Lix and Jisung."

"Ohhh- you're on a date too. Now it's a double date." Minho smiled in happiness.

Changbin leaned frontwards as he remembered something. "Also.. There are rumours that Chan is transferring."

Minho's smile dropped, and so did his entire cheery mood. "... Have you spoken to him? My messages aren't sending.."

Changbin let his gaze shift to the street outside. "I think he's blocked us, or cut off contact. I don't know.."

A sad silence fell upon them.

Changbin sighed. "Well.. Maybe it's all for good. He deserves happiness too.. So I hope he's well and safe somewhere."

Minho couldn't prevent the sinking feeling in his heart and gut, even more so as he recalled that one note from Chan. "... I didn't think I was hurting Chan.."

"Why is the topic Chan when you guys are here with your boyfriends? Forget that dude."

Both Changbin and Minho snapped their heads to the voice, to see Felix with a frown and Jisung by his side (although he spared no time to leap into the seat next to Minho). Felix flopped down with a groan.

"I don't think I can forget my best friend so easily.." Minho mumbled as he entangled his hand with Jisung's.

"Oh please," Felix rolled his eyes, "You'd beg to forget him if you knew his intentions."

Changbin chuckled at his boyfriend's pettiness. "No need to be so harsh, let's just focus on us from now on." He caught Felix's hand in his and brought it closer to place a small kiss on Felix's tiny hand (as the shy Australian covered his face with his other hand). "Just.. A happy Binnie with his Lix, and a happy Minnie with his squirrel. Nothing else has to matter."

Jisung's eyes sparkled at the words. He glanced at Minho with a love-struck smile, only to realise Minho was already looking at him. As Jisung's cheeks flushed red, he melted under Minho's passionate gaze.

"I like that," Minho smirked as he pulled Jisung's hand to copy Changbin's actions and placed a kiss on his palm.

"Just me and my little squirrel."
───── ⋆⋅ єη ⋅⋆ ─────

a;nBang Chan is Maya's most favourite person and kpop idol and living organism in general, and there's absolutely no words she can use to fully express just how much she loves, adores, and respects that man

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Bang Chan is Maya's most favourite person and kpop idol and living organism in general, and there's absolutely no words she can use to fully express just how much she loves, adores, and respects that man. The most beautiful man. so.....

You know what that means...?


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