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"Why? Why did you do that? Why are you
such a jerk?!"

Minho bit his lips and gave no response.
Felix slammed his hands onto Minho's desk,
causing the latter to flinch in his seat
and look up. He was thankful no students
were present at such early hour.

"Why did you hurt him?!"

Minho didn't break eye contact, even as
he noticed the enraged Australian's eyes
dampen. He paused to breathe in, still
glaring at Minho, chest heaving.

"You know how much he loved you..
I - I've never seen him so hurt.."

Minho's heart twisted. He didn't know why
it pained to hear Felix trail off, voice
breaking towards the end. Minho tore his
eyes away and looked at his book (that had
the same page open for a long while now).
Then he saw drops fall onto the page,
soaking the spot. He looked up again.

Felix wiped his eyes furiously. "I fucking
hate you, Lee Minho." He glared at Minho
again, but this time with tears staining
his cheeks. "What you did was disgusting.
You broke my best friend. You destroyed
him. Fuck you."

Felix scoffed before stomping out of the
classroom, leaving Minho all by himself
to dwell in his thoughts and once again,
to ignore the emptiness he felt once he
saw the absence of a note in his locker
that morning.
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