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"Did you really have to do that,
kids?" Mr. Mingi groaned as he
stretched in his office chair. He
looked at the boys before him.
"Haven't seen Mr. Sangyeon that pissed
off in forever. And detention for
three hours? I can't believe I'm stuck
here because you had to kiss in the
middle of nowhere. God, these unholy

The two boys mumbled a small 'sorry'
(for the millionth time, neither of
them actually feeling sorry). Jisung's
head hung low in embarrassment, his eyes
focused on the white tiles, while the
boy beside him stared right back at the
irritated geometry teacher. Jisung
felt Minho's hand brush against his,
before the two intertwined them.
A shy little smile curled his lips
upwards as he felt Minho's thumb
caress his hand, the electrifying
touch so full of love and feelings,
and all the longing for each other
that had been bottled up until now.

Mr. Mingi's eyes travelled to the
boys' interlocked hands. He shook
his head in disappointment. "You kids
will never learn." He then observed
the quiet boys; a soft layer of red
adorned both of their cheeks. They
were the spot-on image of a happy
ending; love that's finally found
its home after raging storms. The
sight made the teacher smile in

Mr. Mingi sighed. "But I guess..
Young love isn't a bad thing."
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