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"What is that? Why am I remembering all that? ----where am I?

Where is Shia? I want to see her. W- Why can't I see anything? --Why there is darkness everywhere?

Where am I? ----What is going on? Where are my members?

Hyung, Jiminie, Kookie, Shia Where is everyone? -----Why can't I see anything? ---What is happening?

WHY CAN'T I BREATH??????????"


Darkness is everywhere.............. I feel like my body is hanging on to nothingness.

What is that light? I raised my hands towards it.


It was a beautiful starry night, I was strolling down the street. Shiara was walking at a distance in front of me. She had as usual went for a walk after dinner, and I was as usual behind her. No, I am not stalking her. That is what I kept telling myself. I had my head down while walking, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, but deep down in my heart, I had the feeling of doing something wrong. To follow someone was not something anyone should do, but I could not help myself. I just wanted to be with her.

I was too engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't even realize that Shiara was no longer walking in front of me. "You know! you could have just asked to stravaig together", a soft voice brought me out of berating myself. Startled I stopped in my track and looked up towards the owner of the voice. Shiara was standing by the wall arms crossed.

"I wasn't following you", I blurted out without even realizing. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me with an expression similar to 'are you kidding me'. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement, I was feeling ashamed. "I - am- I- S-sorry -I didn't mean t-", I tried to apologize but was interrupted by a burst of melodious laughter.

Shiara looked at me and took my hand all the while laughing or more like guffawing. Suddenly she started running dragging me along with her. I was surprised by her action. I tried to ask her, but couldn't as she was still laughing while running.

Soon we reached the park, where she stopped near a bench under the tree. I had seen this park before, she had walked here two days earlier. She sat down on the bench and signalled me to do so. I sat beside her, my hand was still in her hand. She was looking at me with her shining eyes. I looked back at her, our eyes meeting. "Oh! I just want to keep looking in these deep blue eyes, I want to drown myself in the blue sea, never to resurfaced again," I thought to myself

Wait, What? What are you thinking Kim Taehyung? snap out of it. I mentally scolded myself and looked away, breaking eye contact.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to follow, I just.." I started but was interrupted again by a finger at my lips. "You do not have to apologize for anything, instead just do one thing", Shiara said moving her finger away from my lips, looking at me directly. I looked back quizzically.

"Next time just ask me," she said giggling which made me chortled. "Okay! I will do that." We sat there together for a while, without speaking and just taking in the warmth of each other.

"maybe the feelings are mutual" was all I kept thinking.


Suddenly she stood up and began to leave.

Wait, What? Don't leave me. I wanted to stop her, but she was going further away.

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