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The constant ringing of the phone broke the silence of the room. A figure was hurled upon the bed who began to stir. He begrudgingly picked up the phone and growled to the person on the other side: "It better be good news." 

"Sir, We have found the location of Kim Junghyun."  The person on the phone said. He also gave him the details. Hearing the news made the man stood up. He had been waiting for this news for the whole week.  

"So, you are still alive. Kim Taehyung", he said with gritted teeth clenching his phone hard. He got ready quickly as he had some important planning to do.


This had been a very progressive week ever since they have been in France. Taehyung was getting well. Though he was still in pain and barely able to move, he was on his way to recovery. Mr Bang Shi Hyuk had gone back to Korea with the rest of their staff except their manager Sejin. Lord Mathew and Ryan had gone back as well. Only Taehyung's family, Shiara and the boys were left there. Taehyung wanted to go back home desperately, but the doctors had not allowed him since he was in no condition to travel. His wound was healing well, but the blood loss had taken out a great toll on his body. 

The mansion was still in use by the band, but mostly they would stay in the hospital with Taehyung. It was no fixed time when he will wake up, but whenever he would wake up and not find the boys there he would become all gloomy. Sometimes he would show tantrum and refused to take medicine. He was being very moody these days. The hospital and medicines had made him a little grumpy. That's why the boys had decided to stay in the hospital. They would go to the mansion to freshen up and to change clothes other than that they were always in the hospital.

Shiara was no better off than the boys. Taehyung was being clingy. He would whine whenever Shia would leave him to go do her routine or whatever, so she was always found sitting beside his bed holding his hand. She was worried about him. She knew something was not right. She can tell clearly. He was hiding something. Though Shiara had an inkling of what he might be going through. She was sure that he is suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). But the problem here was that he was not willing to talk about it; not even with her.

She was not alone, the members also sense something was wrong with their seventh member. So they were trying their best to ease his mind a little bit. Whenever they were around him, they would try to keep his mind stuck to themselves by playing games, cracking jokes or simply just talking.

Taehyung, on the other hand, knew that he was being unreasonable but he could not help it. He was afraid of being alone. He could not tell them because he thought he was just being paranoid. But he knew no matter whatever he does; his family, his members and Shiara would do anything for him. They were all very important to him. They completed him. He loved every one of them with all his heart.


The boys had gone to the mansion to freshen up with their manager. Taehyung's family were in the cafeteria having breakfast. At that time Shiara was alone with him who was sleeping not so soundly. A constant frown had adorned his forehead. Shiara was caressing the back of his hand and humming a sweet melody. Earlier the doctor had called for her, she didn't know why nonetheless she had to go. So, she was waiting for the boys to come because she cannot leave Taehyung alone lest he might throw some tantrum again. 

Suddenly Taehyung began to squirm a little which startled Shiara. She quickly but gently shook him to wake him up. He opened his eyes with a jolt. He was breathing heavily. "Hey, it's okay, it's just me. You are okay, I am here," Shiara talked soothingly to him to make him calm down. Hearing her voice always had a soothing effect for Taehyung, and seeing her so close made his nerves calm down instantly. He blinked his eyes twice trying to jerk away from the nightmare. He then looked at Shiara and held her hand close to his chest. She smiled at him and began to hum the melody she was humming earlier. Taehyung loved her voice, it was so melodious and soothing.

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