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Normal pov

*ring ring

Your phone alarm began to rang as it's 6 30 am in the morning .

You get up and take a quick bath. Today is Monday , the day you hated the most. You didn't allowed to wear any others clothes accept the school uniform.

You also need to tied up your hair. You needs to wear casual clothes every Monday. You opened the cabinets and began to search your school uniform.

This is your uniform btw

After done with your uniform, you tied your hair up and put a black ribbon on it

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After done with your uniform, you tied your hair up and put a black ribbon on it. You put up your black socks and began to walk to the kitchen.

"Oh , morning Ara." You said as you spotted Ara sitting on the couch , drinking smoothie. She smiled at you and pointed at the coffee table at the kitchen. You looked at the coffee table to see that there's smoothie with a toast.

"Aww, thank you. You such a nice roommate." You said as you walked to the coffee table. you take a sip of the smoothie and ate your toast.

• • •

The school went normal as always. The school bell rang as it's meant that the school was over , you didn't spot Ara anywhere so you thought that maybe Ara's went home early.

So you just walked to the locker and packed up your things. You went home alone didn't think anything. But as soon as you came home , you didn't spot Ara .

Even in her rooms or in the bathrooms . You make a lunch for both of you , thinking that Ara will be home after you've done cooking. But she didn't shows up.

You thought that maybe she stop by her friends house or maybe had a class. But if she does , she will contact you.
You call her but she didn't pick up.

You open the apartment door and saw Jungkook walked over.

"Oh hey Jungkook" you said as you looked at him. "What's up with you?" he asked while looking at your school uniform.

"Ah nothing , I'm just waiting for my roommate to come home." you said. "She didn't home yet?" He asked as he looked at my phone to see that's it's already 330 pm. "Yeah.." You said with a worried tone.

It's been an hour since she didn't shows up. "Let's go find her" Jungkook said as he looked at your worried face. You just nodded at him and wear back your black shoes.

You searched everywhere but couldn't find her. You kept calling her but she didn't pick up. You also messaged her but she didn't respond.

"Jungkook , you search at the park and i'll go to school." You said. "Okay , i'll be at school if i find her." You both ran into opposite way . You started to looked around the school and shouted her name.

You looked at the clock that almost hit 6 pm. When you about to go to the classroom , you heard a kicking on the toilet door. You quickly opened the door and found out Ara's been tied up with a rope .

Her mouth shut with the cloth and she was crying badly . "Holy shit- Ara ! Are you okay ?! Who the fuck did this to you?!" You shouted with anger as you untied the rope. She hugged you and began cried hard.

"I'm sho shecared!! I thot i whol ve dhead!" ( I'm so scared !! I thought I would be dead!) She cried loudly. Your anger started to heat up as you looked at your only best friend being hurt. "It's Soora right?" You looked at her and she just nodded.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?! I WOULD PUNCHED THAT BITCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN TILL SHE DIED!" You said as you stood up and shutting over the toilet door that almost broke because of you.

You couldn't kept your anger again , she made everything worse. You just wanted her to be dead now. "Don ! If you mwet her , shhe will bwe bwhully mwea agan" ( Don't! If you met her , she will be bully me again )

"SHE WILL DIE AFTER I PUNCHED HER! SO SHE CANT MET YOU !" You shouted. Ara held your hand and hugged you on the back to chilled you down.

• • •

"Ara, what are you scared about? She will not disturb you again after this if i meet her" You said as you both sat on the ground in your classroom.

She put her head on your shoulder and wrapped her hands around your waist. "I jwust dhon whan to chos a twrable"
( I just don't want to cause a trouble )

You just sighed at her . "If she bullied you again just told me okay?" you said and she just nodded. "Oh , bway the way, who the gwuy dat you alwyways met?"
(oh btw, who tje guy that you always met?) Ara teased.

You looked at her with a confuse. You didn't met any guy, "What are you talking about Ara? I didn't met any guy" you said while looking at her in confused. "aw dwont be shwy ! Itsh Gguk light? He ur bwoyfriend ishen it?" (aw don't be shy! its Gguk right? He your boyfriend isn't it?) Ara said while giggling.

"G-Gguk? What are you talking about?"


Well remember when a day before your birthday? I spotted you and Gguk walked into the apartment. Gguk went to your room and i try to asked you who is he but you couldn't understand. And yesterday i saw you with him too! at the outside of your apartment! He said that you looked beautifu ! gosh !! he really sweet ! I don't know that Gguk will be that sweet!


Your eyes widened and your jaw almost dropped as you read it. Your hands started to trembling and you can't even hold the phone properly.

D-did- Ara saw him?

• • •

Alright people, here's a fact and all about Ara.

- Innocent
- Doesn't really care what's happen ( thats why she don't know anything about Gguk's missing )
- Living in her own world
- Love baking

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