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Y/n sat there for a few second. Thinking, but she accidentally dropped Ara's phone on how confused and speechless she was. "I-i'm sorry" then she replied with okay sign. Then something just came to your mind,

"but i know , if other people can see me or  dead people , they will die soon."
( From chapter two )

Could it be ? No! Ara can't died!

She started to teared up and couldn't control your hard sobbing. Ara looked at her in surprised . "Whwai awe u criwing ?" ( why are you crying ?) Ara looked confused as she was asking her,.

Soon after, Y/n started to cry like a mess, thinking that she might lost Ara too. Her tears began to fall to the ground and her voice started to break as she mumbling something,

"D-don't g-go.. pl-please." Y/n said as she hugged her tightly. Ara looked at her in confused. She doesn't even know what Y/n was talking about. But she just smiled and hugged her back,

"shilly. I whon lheave you." (silly. i won't leave you) you started to cried even louder and hard. "I wove u , y/n" (I love you , y/n)

Ara said while putting her head on her shoulder. "I love you too, Ara." Y/n started to looked at her and smiled with the tears dropped on the floor.

• • •

Jungkook pov

I couldn't find her everywhere so i thought maybe i'll just go to Y/n's school to tell her about that. As soon as i arrived ,  I heard a girls talking and it's sounds like Y/n, I peek into the class and it was her, with her roommate.

I heard everything they talked. But there's a thing that Ara asked that made me shocked and looked at them.

I didn't heard well, but I heard she mentioned my name. Then I heard sobbing that came from Y/n.

wait , is she talking about me?

Now, i figured it out. That day, she were talking to me. I sat there for a few sec. Heard everything, with a mixing feelingly in my heart.

"I wove u , y/n" (I love you , y/n) .

I looked up and shocked as I heard that.

What? Ara interested in girls?

"I love you too, Ara."

wait. Y/n too?!
So y/n not interested in boy?

Urghh.. Honestly, I felt a little bit jealous of Ara. I  stroke my hair and looked at them again.

I hope i can become closer to Y/n like she does. I really want to know what she really was, and how her inner voice was.

But yeah, it's only for three weeks. If we managed to find me, this memories will be remain silent. It will be just a dream that always becomes blurry whenever i woke up.

• • •

Normal pov

That night ;

"Jungkook, wait . I'll change my clothes first." Y/n said as she walked towards her closet. "Ah okay, I'll be waiting outside." Jungkook said, walking away slowly. Not making any noises so Ara didn't awake.

What should i wear today?

Y/n said to herself as looked into the closet.
She gave up and walked to Jungkook to asked him . "Well, don't wear like we are gonna going to funeral." He said as he looked at her.

"Yah! What do you mean by that?!" Y/n asked in a faint scream while looking at him. He just giggled at her reaction and gave his signature a bunny smile.

Urgh not that smile again

Y/n blushed and went to her room quickly. Not letting him seeing her being frustrated like this.

I guess I'll wear this.

She walked towards the door and locked it

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She walked towards the door and locked it. "Did i told you not to wear like we are going to funeral?" Jungkook said as he looked at her outfit. "We are not going on a date Jungkook. So why should i wear that kind of like dressy clothes?" She said as she take out her phone from her backpack .

"Of course we are, Y/n. You're my date today." He said while smiling gently at her. Y/n can't control it her reaction again, she started to blushed over and over. "Stop it Jungkook. You're making me—

"Blush?" He then looked at her red cheeks and began to laughed . "S-stop it !!"

• • •

"Um y/n, mind if i ask you a question?" Jungkook said as both of them walked towards the downstairs of her apartment. "Wth Jungkook. Just ask it, since when you become polite ? I mean TOO polite." Y/n giggled.

"Well it's not a question that you will expect.. that's why i ask for your permission" Jungkook said while playing with his hair. "Okay, okay. What is it?" She said while looking at him.

"Do you.. urm.. Interested with girl?" He asked while awkwardly playing with his hair. "What?" Y/n looked at him in disbelief. Never knew that he would asked that weirddddddddd question.

"Why all of the sudden , Jungkook?" Y/n asked while looking at him started to felt embarrassed. "No... I'm just asking... It's okay if you don't want to answer it" he said while looking foward. "No. I'm not interested in girl." She said .

"Really? But yesterday you and Ara confessed to each other—

Jungkook accidentally spilt his words and covered his mouth quickly.


"You what?" Y/n stopped and looked at him in curiosity.


"You what, Jeon Jungkook?" Y/n said as she stared at his nervous face. "Well I heard you both yesterday!" He said loudly. "Huh. That's it?" She asked, completely giggled at his words. He nodded and apologised to her for overheard their conversation.

"Jungkook, if i say i love you to someone. It doesn't means that i was interested with them."

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