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MinJae's View

I just graduated high school yesterday. Good thing I won't be going back there anymore. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my mom.

Mom- "Get ready. We're having guests over today. Don't wear ugly or baggy clothes -.-" I nodded and went to get ready.

I applied on some light makeup and wore a crop top with a skater skirt and a cardigan. I got out of my room and headed downstairs to see if they made breakfast yet and they hadn't. I decided to make...............BACONNNNNNNNN. I like bacon.

By the time I was done frying like 20 bacon strips, my little brother headed down to the kitchen.

Baekhyun- "Are you eating me for breakfast?" He grabbed a piece off the plate.

Me- "Yeah. I'm eating you. Bacon."

After we finished, the doorbell rang. My mom went to get the door. I could hear them talking on their way here. They must be my moms friends. They entered the kitchen and the last person to enter looked familiar. Jungkook?! I immediately stood up and was about to head to my room.

Mom- "MinJae, where are you going? We have guests."

Me- "I-Uh.... I forgot something in my room. I need to go get it," before I left I bowed and said my greetings then ran to my room.

Wtf is Jungkook doing here?! Or maybe it's just my imagination. I got out my phone and started texting my best friend, Chaera.

•Me- CHAERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•

•Chaera- WHAT??????????•

•Me- Jungkook is at my house with his parents!!! Why is he here?!??!??•

•Chaera- you mean the No-Brain??•

•Me- YEAH! That no brain!•

•Chaera- Well go see what's happening•

•Me- Well aren't you helpful -__-•

She saw my message but didn't reply

There was a knock on the door. It was Baekhyun.

Baekhyun- "Mom said to go downstairs," he ran back to his room so fast because he didn't want to loose his game.

I went downstairs and my mom patted the seat next to her, telling me to sit there. I sat next to her. Across from my mom was Jungkook's parents and Jungkook. There was an awkward silence until my dad spoke up.

Dad- "We've decided to have you two get married," he looked at me and Jungkook.

Me- "What?! Why?! Out of all these people you choose the No-Brain?! No. I'm not doing this marriage." I refused.

Jungkook- "Yah! I do have a brain! And I'm not doing this marriage either."

I walked out of the house with my phone. I called Chaera and we decided to meet at the park near her house.

Chaera- "What happened?"

Me- "I'm being forced to marry with the No-Brain! Out of all the people, they just HAD to choose him," I rolled my eyes.

Chaera- "I'm sorry for you. I hope they'll stop this marriage thing. Let's go to the mall to brighten up your mood, okay?" I nodded and we took a taxi to the mall.

Jungkook's View

Wtf?!? I'm getting married to MinJae?! Hell to the no! That's never gonna happen. I would rather marry a tree than an ugly girl like her. Right when MinJae left, I also left and went straight to Tiffany's house. When I got to her house I immediately went and laid down on her couch.

Tiffany- "Is something wrong?"

Me- "Everything is wrong."

Tiffany- "What's wrong? Tell me."

Me- "My parents are forcing me to marry MinJae! I just hate MinJae. My parents said I have to break up with you, but I'm never doing that." Sh*t. I blew it. Crap.

Tiffany- "What?! No! They can't do that! Never! Why does MinJae have to get in the way?!" She had teary eyes.

Me- "I'm sorry. We can keep our relationship a secret. I'll just tell them we broke up so they will shut up."

Tiffany- "Okay....if you say so......"

I was just about to get up and go look for food.

Tiffany- "Let's go to the mall! I saw these nice hats/caps that I know you would like."

Me- "REALLY?!?!?! OMGGG LETS GO!!!!" Tiffany and I left the house and went to the mall.

We reached the mall.

Me- "I'm hungryyyyyyy. Let's go eat first^^"

Tiffany- "Okay. I'm hungry too," she smiled back.

We went to the food court and order pizza. Pizza is good. Tiffany and I sat at a table and started eating the pizza.

Tiffany- "Oww. It's hot!"

Me- "Not as hot as me," Tiffany and I started laughing.

Just then I noticed MinJae and someone else walking into the food court.

MinJae's View

Chaera and I went straight to the food court when we got to the mall. We ordered pizza. Like always :3

We sat across from these two couples who I couldn't see their faces really well. But the girl looked kinda like Tiffany, the "popular girl" back in high school, or also know as Jungkook's girlfriend. But what is she doing with another guy here? Maybe her brother? Oh well. I didn't really care. I just ate my pizza.

Chaera- "MinJae!!!! I saw some beanies here the other day. They were sooooooo cuteeeeeeee and cool. Let's go there when we're done eating^^"

Me- "Omo!! Really??" I started eating fast so I could go see the beanies.

Chaera- "YAHHH. Slow down! You might choke!"

Me- "Sowwy. I really want to see the beanies before they run out of them."

We left to the shop right after we got done eating. As we entered the shop I noticed Tiffany was in there with this other dude. Jungkook?! Wth is he doing here?!

A/N: Annyeongggggg. This is a new story I'm starting. I'm also currently writing another story called "Falling For The Jerk". Please read that story too (^-^). Have a good dayyyyyyyyyy


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