Loner (Secret Love Song)

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A girl with short messy hair wakes up on her not so comfortable bed. She looked around at the bare room that was obviously boring her, but was better then sleeping on a couch.
The girl put her hair up into a ponytail and walking outside and greeted Cassia, she just ignored the others like always. She sits down and eats what they call breakfast but most foodies call torture.

This loner was named Faith Kogane, and of you didn't know, she's in space with about six others (not including herself). Faith is a lore keep to herself and has only really gotten along with Cassia. The others in the Castle of Lions, (Kayla, Chase, Lizzy, Athena, and Levi) where all just obstacles and distractions. She didn't really care about most of them... at all.

Now let's just continue along with an average "morning" with Faith. She pushes away the space goo and told the others she wasn't hungry and left. Only to bump into the one of only blue Paladin, Kayla McClain, herself...literally
"Watch where your going asshole!" Kayla says as she gets up from the ground without the help of Kogane.
"Says the one who's wearing a face mask and has fucking cucumbers in her eyes!" Faith says pulling them from her eyes.
"At least I take care of myself unlike you." Kayla snaps and then walks away.
Faith just rolls her eyes and makes her way to the training room. Going against the gladiator alone since she had nothing better to do.

Hours pass, Kayla walks into the training room to see a overworked Faith. The door shuts behind her and Kayla eyes Faith as she takes on about three other gladiators alone. She only stops staring when Faith catches her and smirks.
"Shit..." Kayla thought to herself as she kept moving along.
"I'm straight... I'm not gay. I HATE KOGANE!" She continues to just scream inside her head until she once more literally runs into Faith Kogane herself.

"Watch it McClain. You don't want to ruin your complexion." Faith lowers the bayard and looks up at Kayla. (Did I mention Kayla is taller then Faith?)
"Whatever Kogane. Nothing will ruin my complexion because it's just so perfect" Kayla looks down.
"Say what you want to say to make yourself feel better McClain" Faith rolls her eyes.
"So what did I do to catch your attention?" She had to ask since Faith was clueless...
"Nothing! There was no way you could have caught my attention." Kayla pushes Faith away, literally, and storms out of the training room.

"Stupid McClain... thinks she can do whatever she wants." Faith thought you herself and gets up. She heads to her room to take a shower and change, staring at herself in the mirror placing her hand on the purplish scar on her cheek.
"She won't leave me alone.... just like this stupid thing" Faith stops staring. She walks to bed and lays there fiddling with her, Galra, blade.

"I fucking hate that stupidly tall, idiotic, blue paladin

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"I fucking hate that stupidly tall, idiotic, blue paladin. Kayla McClain"


Now Faith is known as the loner of the group. Kayla is the extremely out there I'm gonna fucking KISS everyone child. They are the rivals of this story, but, they both care about each other....secretly....
The girls have had a horrible face to face friendship and have always hated each other. But online, without knowing it, the girls had a great relationship. They used to stay up late texting and playing games online for fun.

Anyway.... note that Faith and Kayla both think they are straight and will annoy the whole group throughout this story with there never even sing bickering.

And yes....
I will involve everyone throughout this

And maybe,
Some of this is canon

And for sure
We will have Faith wear a shark onesie (that's for you Athena) ❤️

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