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"The fallen eagle,
lost its pride,
unable to fly,
or spread its wings.
and the cat,
she becomes."

Nori stood at the entrance to the level five class.


I'm not supposed to be here.

"How else am I supposed to keep an eye on you?" Kozume said quietly, as if he read her mind.

"How did you-" Nori shook her head, that wasn't the point. "My grade average is...below passing."

"Then how did you get into Shiratoizawa?"

"Sports scholarship." Noriko replied sheepishly.

He sighed. Of course she was talented enough to get a scholarship. "I guess you'll have to try hard."


Kozume had already pulled her inside before she could protest.

"You're in this class?" Nori asked.

Kozume nodded. So he was that kid.

I feel so stupid.

"Ah! You're here! Meet our new transfer student, Sanctus Noriko!"

"I heard she came from Shiratoizawa."

"She's a girl? Looks more like a guy..."

"Why is she wearing a boys uniform?"

"She has to be one of those brats."

"Are you sure that's a girl?"

"Dude, her chest though."

"Isn't she the one who got that girl killed?"

"Omg! You're right! I forgot! What is she doing here then?"

"Does she even belong here?"

"She shouldn't be here! Someone is so dead before the end of the year!"

"What a loser. She's just standing there."

"She looks scary! Is she a delinquent?"

Nori wanted to melt into a puddle and disappear. The confidence she once had disappeared. Kozume patted her back, muttering, "Get used to it."

Of course he would say that. Noriko grit her teeth.

I'll show them delinquent.

"I'm Sanctus Noriko." She breathed, stepping forward as she wrote her name on the board, "Sanctus is fine. Calling me Noriko or Nori, or anything besides Sanctus is off limits." She warned.

The class fell silent.

"Yes, it's true I left a Shiratoizawa. It's true that the girl, Tanaka Renko, killed herself because of me." Nori took a deep inhale and smiled at her classmates. It really isn't. "That doesn't change anything. That I'm a girl in a boy's uniform. I have the freedom to express myself, don't I?"

sanctus ༄ k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now