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Nori-Chan has logged in!

Rooster Face: hiiiiiii

Tiny Momma Cat: Hi Noriko!

Nori-Chan: hi yaku-senpai

Baby Blocker: oh hi what's up??

Nori-Chan: im doing good hbu

Baby Blocker: Good! Practice went really well today!!

Tiny Momma Cat: Lev can't do his fucking receives still.

Future Ace of Nekoma: what do you mean????

Nori-Chan: yeah he kinda sucks ass

Loudass: he can never be a better ace than me 😎😎

Rooster Face: periodt pooh

Future Ace of Nekoma: i feel attacked

Baby Blocker: It's because you are.

Tiny Momma Cat: 💀💀

Rooster Face: I, too feel attacked.

Nori-Chan: im intentionally pretending you don't exist right now

Rooster Face: :(((

Tiny Momma Cat: LOL

Loudass: bro kenmas like quiet

Future Ace of Nekoma: he always is tho

Pudding Head: Shut up, Lev. You can't even do receives properly.

Future Ace of Nekoma: 😭😭😭😭😭

Nori-Chan: periodt 💅✨

Pudding Head has logged off!

Loudass: ohok

Rooster Face: 👁👄👁

Baby Blocker has logged off!

Fukunaga has logged in!

Loudass: HI

Fukunaga: bye

Fukunaga has logged off!

Loudass: i feel betrayed

Nori-Chan: smfh

Liberoooo has logged on!

Nori-Chan: hey shibayama

Liberoooo: hi

Future Ace of Nekoma: help me im being attacked

Nori-Chan: shut up
Nori-Chan: go back in the corner and go play with yourself

Future Ace of Nekoma: shibayama help me 😭😭😭

Tiny Momma Cat: I swear to GOD if you come to practice late, I'm going to beat your ass.

Liberoooo has logged off!
Future Ace of Nekoma has logged off!

Rooster Face: kinky

Nori-Chan: stfu hoe

Tiny Momma Cat has changed Rooster Face's nickname to Kinky Little Shit

Nori-Chan: LMAO

Kinky Little Shit changed Nori-Chan's nickname to Kink Shamer

Tiny Momma Cat: oh wow.

Loudass: im trying so hard not to wake up my parents and im DYING LMAOO

Kink Shamer: finna come for your ass and senpai kink

Kinky Little Shit: STOP EXPOSING ME


Loudass: BRUH 💀💀

Kinky Little Shit: 😭😭
Kinky Little Shit: im being attacked 😭😭

Kink Shamer: i am the ultimate kink shamer and im here to shame your kink

Kinky Little Shit: NO

Loudass: IM CRYING 💀💀

Tiny Momma Cat: Okay kids, time for bed.

Kinky Little Shit: no

Loudass: im a cool kid so i stay up past my bedtime 😎🤪🤪🤚

Kink Shamer: I hate it here

Tiny Momma Cat: ^^
Tiny Momma Cat: Listen up here you little shits.

Kink Shamer has logged off!

Kinky Little Shit: ohok

Loudass: byeeeee 👋

Tiny Momma Cat has logged off!

Kinky Little Shit: :(

Loudass: ok back 2 algebra 2 homework byeeeeee

Loudass has logged off!

Kinky Little Shit: :(

Kinky Little Shit has logged off!

Noriko has sent you a message!

Noriko: yaku help

Yaku Morisuke: Huh? What???

Noriko: idk if kenma loves me :(

Yaku Morisuke: Why are you coming to me out of all people???

Noriko: cause you're mom :(

Yaku Morisuke: Okay
Yaku Morisuke: Child, listen to me when I speak.

Noriko: ok

Yaku Morisuke: He loves you don't worry :)

Noriko: are you sure doe

Yaku Morisuke: 100%
Yaku Morisuke: If you have any doubts then ask him yourself, Noriko.

Noriko: aww okay 🥺🥺

Yaku Morisuke: Goodnight Nori!
Yaku Morisuke: Get a good 8 hours of sleep, OK?

Noriko: okayy

Yaku Morisuke has logged off!
Noriko has logged off!

Noriko stared at the ceiling, clutching her phone to her chest. She let out a sigh and turned onto her side. She stared out at the window. Nori closed her eyes, I should just be forward with him next time.

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