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Noriko had a lot of eyes on her when she entered school this morning.

What did I do this time?

She was used to the staring but today seemed to be the peak of it. Nori had told herself to move in a straight line and pretend that nobody's here. She eyed a giant crowd by the bulletin board. Noriko pushed her way to the crowd to see something she didn't expect.

Why is this here...?

She stepped back with her eyes wide. Only Kuroo and Kenma know so why the hell- There was another note at the bottom, someone had challenged Noriko to a fight. She bit her lip anxiously, her palms sweating. The handwriting of the note about her history of Shiratorizawa was Kenna's with Kuroo's wording. The second note that seemed to be over the first was significantly smaller, written messily as if it was rushed.

No, no, what where they thinking? Noriko chewed on her nails. "Kuroo!"

"Honorifics," he said with a smile.

You sneaky bastard. Noriko's tongue clicked, ignoring what Kuroo said, "why the hell would you post that on the board?!"

"The note? Which one?" He asked.

"The one about..y'know! The shit I told you last night!"

"Kenma wanted to help you," he said calmly. Kuroo glanced down at the second year, "he wanted to help you with your problems too. If you really want to know, ask him yourself."

"You know damn well that I-"

Kuroo cut her off, "whatever you do, don't go to the fight after school."

"Huh? Why?" Noriko asked, "I know fully my presence at Nekoma is on the line but would I rather have the team suffer for it!"

Kuroo had stopped in the tracks, "okay. I'm coming to the fight too." His voice had gone dark.

"Kuroo, this isn't your fi-"

"I thought about it but nobody messes with the volleyball team like that. Or our manager."

"Aww, you care." Noriko snickered.

"Haha, very funny." Kuroo said, rolling his eyes. "I can take over so you don't have to suffer for it."

"Yeah but don't you guys have a game next week?" Noriko said.

"Who said I was going to actually fight them?" Kuroo said, turning around. The scheming captain had a smile on his face.

"That's where the title Scheming Captain, came from huh?" Noriko said, her face twisting in anger, "if I get to do the punching then I don't mind."

"What time is it at?"

"4 PM."

"Ugh. We have to skip practice."

"Kai will be in charge so it's fine. I'll give him the practice plans later at lunch."

"See you then," Kuroo chimed, walking off.

Noriko ran off to class to hopefully talk to Kenma. The blond boy was in her sights in the crowded hallway. She rushed forward, grabbing him by the sleeve of his uniform. He turned around to see Noriko and not a stranger. "Noriko I-" he had the same expression as Noriko did. His face twisted in pain.

"Kenma why?!" She snapped.

The boy quickly ran off to class, leaving Noriko in the crowd.

Oh God, I knew I pushed him away. But this?! She sat down in class, Kenma didn't want to talk. Nori chewed on the inside of her mouth, the dumb date Kuroo set me up next week is going to be so awkward! Noriko knew that what she said pushed him away from her.

Kenma didn't really know how to feel. On one hand, straying away from Noriko and pushing her away would solve all of his problems, however there was this part of him that didn't want to leave her because of their close bond. Kenma couldn't leave her hanging despite his brain telling him that was the best option in this situation. Her face was twisted in a way his wasn't. There was pain in her face, an emotional pain. Throw some betrayal in there as well.

Kenma felt guilty. He desperately didn't want her to go to the fight. There wasn't any way to save her from being expelled. He desperately wanted to tell her why he did what he did but it didn't seem justifiable in his mind and Noriko wouldn't forgive him. He only ran away from her because he didn't know how to justify himself. Confrontation with Noriko scared him to death.

The two barely talked to each other. Kenma kept avoiding her like the plague and Noriko couldn't get anything out of him. She had given up and she would just talk to him over the phone later tonight, if he answered that is. Noriko had focused her energy on the fight with Kuroo than chasing after Kenma.

Kenma was worried about the fight since he couldn't do anything. If he interfered with Kobayashi's plans, it would be over for him and Noriko. He wanted to help her, desperately, but his attempts were futile. Kenma walked to the abandoned classroom. He began to open the door, when he heard a voice. He pushed the door open and ran forward.

"Kenma!" Noriko grabbed him by the arm. He flinched at how intense the grab was. He saw her cringe and pull away. He didn't run, there wasn't any point. He knew Kuroo's plan would work and if it didn't, they'd lie their way to save Noriko. Her face was twisted in confusion, "why Kenma? Why?"


"I trusted you—I-" Noriko's face was filled with desperation.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, staring at the floor. Noriko grabbed his shoulders and shook him, asking him why he did what he did. "I wanted to help you." Noriko froze, backing up. Her back pressed against the door. Her body shook as he spoke, "you...helped me. A lot...it felt wrong not to help you. You're struggling, so much more than...than I am." He sighed, "it's inexcusable, I know. I played a gamble and I guess I lost..." Kenma paused to look at Noriko. He was slightly alarmed to see her crying, but it wasn't a new sight to see. What was new to him was the soft smile on her face. He blinked in confusion, "Noriko...why are..why are you crying?"

She didn't say anything. Noriko ran to him, wrapping her arms around him. Kenma flinched, uncomfortable with human contact however it felt natural with Noriko and he relaxed immediately. "Thank you."


"Thank you for freeing me, Kenma."

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