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"Should we tell the other's we're dating?" Nori asked, laying on Kenma's bed while he focused on editing Nori's essay for her.

"No." He said, his eyes glued on the laptop.

"Hmmm...they're going to find out eventually."

"Yeah. I know."

"Isn't it better that we just tell them?" Noriko said, twirling a strand of hair. She slid off the bed, sitting next to Kenma. He eyed her. Her hair was clipped up with a large yellow clip. She was wearing one of his hoodies over her jean shorts.

"I mean it's kind of obvious if you're going to walk out wearing my hoodie to the hang out today," he said, throwing a pillow at her face.

"Mmmph-" she threw the pillow at his head. "But it's comfyyyyy!" She whined.

"Are we telling them or no?" Kenma said, shutting the laptop closed.

"I think we should." Noriko said. "It'll be funny to see their reactions."

"...yeah." Kenma said, cracking up a smile.

The two walked to the park, linking pinkies together. Kenma used his other hand to scroll through Twitter. "Oi! Kenma! Noriko! You're finally here!" Kuroo called. Kenma glanced up from his phone.

"Shaddup you rooster head!" Noriko yelled back, sticking her tongue out. Kenma couldn't help but love his childish girlfriend. Noriko was the complete opposite of him. She was bright and cheery and full of energy. He didn't understand how he got stuck with a girl with 5-year old common sense but he wasn't one to complain. Noriko was someone he didn't expect to befriend, let alone fall in love with. He walked over to the group as Noriko ran off. Kenma watched her, a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips.

"Hey? Isn't that Kenma's hoodie?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh? Yeah." Nori answered, glancing up from the ground. Most of the club had left leaving Kenma, Nori and Kuroo.

Kuroo looked at Noriko then at Kenma and back at Noriko then at Kenma. "Wait...don't tell me..."

Noriko grinned, "nobody is going to believe you."

"You're right."

"We've been dating for two months," Kenma said.

"wHAT—" Kuroo choked. Noriko high fived Kenma, snickering.

"Reaction accquired."

"Why'd you tell me this?" Kuroo asked.

"Nobody's going to believe you if you tell them." Nori said, leaning back on the swing, "so basically you're the only who knows now."

"Your parents don't know?"

"No." You guys said in unison.

"That's...insane. I didn't even need to help you guys!" Kuroo said ecstatically. "How did it happen?"

"Just asked him another date." Noriko shrugged. "Popped the question and we kind of just rolled with it."

"UGHHHHHHHHHH!" Kuroo slammed his hands against his face.

"Okay. Bye Kuroo. See you tomorrow!" Noriko said, jumping off the swing. She ran off, "oh, and I'm keeping the hoodie by the way Kenma!"


"Haha loser."

"Shut up Kuroo, you're still single."

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