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Noriko walked into the sleeping quarters of their camp, the last day of Golden Week was tomorrow, the match with Karasuno. She used her towel to dry her hair, watching the boys mess around on the futons. "Do you think Karasuno has a pretty manager? It would be unfair if they did and we didn't... I don't think they'll have a pretty manger."

"They probably will," Yaku said, Shibayama nodded. "Also, watch what you say when Noriko's right behind you."


"It's fine," Nori laughed, sitting down by Kozume. That was rude. "No wonder Yamamoto doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Yamamoto shouted, getting up. Kozume glanced up from his game and eyed Noriko, who had gotten up as well. "Five second head start." Nori stood there, hands behind her back, smiling. "No?" He raised a brow. He ran forward and Nori moved to the side, running down to the other side of the room. Yamamoto ran after her, yelling. Noriko laughed, ducking as he tried to grab her. She nearly dodged him all the way as she ran around in circles.

"Yamamoto, cut it out or I'll make you practice twice as hard tomorrow!" Kuroo shouted from his spot.

He immediately stopped, Noriko smirking at him. "Hah," she snickered. She skipped her way back to her spot and sat down. "Anyways, I think Karasuno's going to have a pretty manager too."

"Whoever's right owes the others Yakisoba buns!"

"Deal!" Nori grinned. She leaned back to Kuroo, "hey, do you know what would be really cool?"

"What?" he eyed her, raising a brow.

"If I gave you the research on Karasuno's members I did last night." Noriko snickered.

"Noriko, give it."

"Nope. I think it's more fun when you don't know anything about your opponent," she leaned forward, rubbing the back of her neck, "besides, I don't think you'd have trouble tomorrow, right Kuroo?" Noriko eyed him, smirking.

Kuroo scoffed, a small smirk crossing his face, "of course you Shiratorizawa people are so confident in winning."

"Because we always win," she smiled, turning around, "you wonder why Shiratorizawa is the representative of Miyagi? Because we're the best~"

"Well you're not in Shiratoizawa anymore," Kozume spoke up.

"Shut it!" Noriko snapped, her cheeks growing red.

Kuroo laughed, clapping his hands together. He got up, "All right, it's time for bed everyone, get a good rest tonight, we have a game tomorrow."


Noriko turned the lights off as everyone laid in the futons. She sighed, instead of heading to her own in the corner, she left the room, sliding the door shut with a small thud. Nori hadn't been getting enough sleep in the past few days of the training camp. She researched Karasuno out of boredom to keep herself busy. That dumb voice had come back, instead of screaming her name, it was telling her that everything was her fault and that she shouldn't be here. Noriko wiped her tears away as she walked down the hall towards the porch.

You're useless now, you're just a stupid manager now. You're not the same, top-tier ace you once were.

Stupid Noriko.

She grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen on her way there. Nori opened the door to the porch, sliding the door shut behind her. She sat on the stairs, the water bottle dangling from her hands. Noriko sighed, sniffling. She wiped a few more tears, hiccuping. The only place the voice couldn't reach her was outside. The voice was canceled out by the rustling winds, crickets and owls in the summer night. She took a deep breath in, the smell being fresh as always. Miyagi always had cleaner air and then bustling Tokyo in the city wasn't.

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