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The two sat on Kenma's bed in total silence, the only noises being the TV. The two were playing Smash Ultimate and it was a pretty even fight so far. Kenma was surprised that Noriko was good at Smash. She managed to take two of his stocks while he took one of her's. He glanced at her, her tongue sticking out slightly, her eyebrows furrowed together, her eyes glued onto the screen. Kenma glanced back at his own, managing to knock Noriko further down before she could recover, taking another one of stocks. Nori clicked her tongue in annoyance, the two of them each having one stock left.

In the end, Noriko won which surprised Kenma himself as he was fully confident. "AHA!" Noriko threw her hands up in victory. "Guess what Kenma?"

He groaned, leaning back on the bed. "I don't want to go on another date with you....."

Nori frowned and let out a sigh, leaning back on the bed as well. She turned towards him, playing with a strand of his hair. "Fair enough." She said, getting up. Kenma opened his water bottle, taking a sip from it. The two of them had been dating for two months now. It was a well hidden secret as nobody really, well, knew about it. The two of them acted like normal as their relationship stayed about the same except parts of their relationship got more intimate. Noriko continued to braid Kenma's hair as he played a ranked battle on Splatoon.

She leaned on his shoulder to just smell him. He often smelled like apple pie which was quite a nice fragrance. Noriko closed her eyes, braiding his hair even further. Kenma didn't seem bothered by this. Over the past two months, he had gotten more comfortable with Noriko being touchy with him. He was still uncomfortable when others touched him but with Noriko it was more soothing. He didn't understand why she had that effect on him. Kenma clicked his tongue as the other team had won. He set the pro controller down.

"Okay. We can go on another date."

"Hm? Really? What's with the change of heart?" Noriko hummed, smiling.

"..." he opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't find a reason so he shut it, his face reddening from embarrassment. Noriko laughed.

"I'm just teasing you, Kenma." Noriko got up from the bed. "Oh yeah. I remember why I came over now."


"I need help with that test tomorrow."

"Noriko I-"

"Pleaaaaaaaseeeeeee!! I don't wanna fail!"

Kenma let out a sigh, "fine."

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