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Noriko laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating the events of this week. She had gotten in trouble on her first and second day and laid low for the third and fourth. On her fifth and final day, a group of girls had invited her to eat lunch with them but ended up bullying her in the bathroom. Nori groaned, knowing she could have handled that situation better. However, today had gone way better. She had played volleyball with the boy's team. It seemed like the only people who accepted her were them, and they didn't even know anything about her previous time at Shiratorizawa.

Noriko sighed, sitting up in her bed. Starting at a new school was tough for her. Everybody knew her as the girl who drove someone to suicide, "don't mess with her." When she didn't even do anything. It was all in her head that they came up with that deal. Nori had tried making that her reality, but it wasn't. That girl framed her out of spite and only her and her ex-team knew about it and there was nothing they could do. It was a sad reality Noriko didn't want to face.

She laid back down in her bed, staring at the darkness. The silence was so loud. Nori's ears rung. She heard someone yell her name, however the voice wasn't familiar. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck- Noriko threw off her covers and glanced around to find where the sound was coming from. It seemed to come from every direction. "Stop it-" she hissed, covering her ears. She slumped down to the floor, curling herself up in a little ball.

Her breathing quickened. Short little breaths, gasping for air. Her body shook and she felt how clammy and cold her hands were. Nori slowly got up, finding herself crying. Her breathing pattern normalized itself as she eyed herself in the mirror. Nori tugged on a few strands of hair, frowning at herself in the mirror. She didn't look like a girl at all. The only thing that defined her as a girl was how large of a chest she had. Noriko clasped her arms around herself tightly. She shivered, muttering something inaudible. God, I look so stupid, she thought.

Why do I even care about what I look like anyways?

Stupid, absolutely stupid, Noriko.

Noriko grabbed her phone from her night stand and sat herself back on the bed. She opened up the group chat, finding it still active at this hour. Jeez, does anyone even sleep around here? Apparently not.

Noriko has logged in!

Bedhead: Hi Noriko!

Noriko: ew. don't talk to me weirdo.

Bedhead: im hurt :(((

Noriko: whatever.

Tiny Momma Cat: Hello Noriko.
Tiny Momma Cat: It's Yaku by the way.

Noriko: oh, hey Yaku!

Tiny Momma Cat: What are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be asleep?

Noriko: uhhh
Noriko: it's only eleven

Bedhead: yeah yaku it's only eleven

Noriko: shut up nobody didn't ask for your input.

Pudding Head has logged in!

Bedhead: kenmaaaaa
Bedhead: norikos bullying me :((

Pudding Head has logged off.


Bedhead: NO KENMA-

Tiny Momma Cat: lol

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