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Kuroo had met Kobayashi at the back of the school. As requested, nobody but those two were at the school. "Why are you here?"

"You threatened the volleyball team, you're going to get it."

"What can you do, pretty boy?" He sneered.

"A lot, actually," Kuroo replied with a smirk. He was called the Scheming Captain after all. Kobayashi walked closer. "You'll never amount to anything anyways. You don't have a future ahead of you."

"Say one more word and you're dead," he snarled.

Kuroo smiled, "my bad, I'm sorry. You're right." He put his hands up in the air as Kobayashi grabbed him by the collar.

"You're all bark and no bite."

"We're cats, not dogs." Kuroo said, "well, I mean, you could be considered a dog."

Kobayashi growled, lifting his fist to punch Kuroo. He was stopped. He was flipped over, his back on the ground. Above him was Noriko. Her eyes seemed to have a spark of anger in them. Kuroo stood back with a smile, his hands in his pockets. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" She screamed, punching his jaw. "YOU BULLIED KENMA FOR YEARS AND YOU TRY TO RIP HIM AWAY FROM HIS FRIENDS. YOU'RE FUCKING SICK. YOU TOOK MY WEAK POINT AND EXPLOITED THE SHIT OUT OF IT." Noriko held back tears as she grabbed Kobayashi by the collar. The boy's eyes were widened in fear. She punched his face. "DON'T YOU DARE MESS WITH THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM! LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!" She grabbed him by the chin to force him to look at her. "Apologize, do you hear me?"



"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Bullying several students, trying to ruin your life and threatening the volleyball team...."


"Hurting Kozume." He said. Kobayashi spat in her face. "He deserved it though."

Noriko punched him once more, "THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?"

"Nori, that's enough." Kuroo pulled her away.

"DID YOU HEAR WHAT HE FUCKING SAID?! THAT BASTARD—" She snapped, escaping his grasp. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up, her fist ready to punch him. Kuroo grabbed her in alarm, pulling her away again.

"Noriko, it's okay."

The girl froze, snapping out of her blind rage, tears down her face. Kobayashi stared at Noriko who was being held back by Kuroo. Behind him, was Kenma. Terror filled his eyes, his face bloodied and bruised. She had given up on struggling to escape Kuroo. Kobayashi couldn't believe that despite bullying him for years and threatening Kuroo's team, they stopped the manager from giving him a serious beating. He didn't understand why.

"But he-he-he..." she hiccuped, staring at Kenma.

Kenma walked over, kicking Kobayashi in the process. He winced. "It's okay."

"Come on, Noriko, lets go." Kuroo said, pushing her forward. He had let go of her. Nori didn't go after Kobayashi. She stood there, staring at her bloodied fists.

God, what did I do?

I'm so fucking stupid. I shouldn't have done that.

I'm going to get expelled tomorrow.

I'm sorry.

I'm such a fucking idiot.

Kuroo pulled her along as the three left the school. She wasn't in the state to go to practice and she certainly wasn't in the state of mind to be left alone.

Kobayashi was grateful for the two. He did feel awful about what he did. It was dirty. Kobayashi wasn't even mad. He understood. He understood why Noriko did what she did. She had good intentions and was never bad from the start. The note on the board stuck out to the bloodied boy as he left the school slowly. He wouldn't report this, he understood. He'd back off from her now.

The three were getting something to eat from the convenient store. They sat outside with yakisoba buns in silence. Noriko spoke up, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," Kenma said.

"I'm not." Kuroo said.

"Shut up, Rooster Face." Noriko said with a slight laugh. He grinned at her, pushing her slightly.

"We're all good right?" Kuroo asked. Kenma and Nori nodded in sync. "Good, good."

"I didn't mean to do that earlier. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay Nori." Kuroo said, mid-chew.

"Ew. You're gross. Close your mouth." Noriko said with disgust. Kenma laughed slightly.

"That's not how you treat your senpais." He replied.

"You're older than me? I swore you were like...twelve." Noriko snickered.

"I'm hurt."

"Kuro's more like...four." Kenma quipped.


The two burst out laughing.

"This is bullying."

"Define bullying." Noriko replied.


"Exactly. I'm not bullying."

"This is harassment. I feel attacked."

"Get used to it," Noriko replied, not looking up from her phone.

"I hate it here." Kenma said.

"Haha, cat go brr."

The two boys kept Noriko away from the fight as much as possible. "You're such a dumbass, Kuroo!"

Everything will be okay soon.

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