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me forcing myself to finish this chapter in my free time instead of drafts: go go go go go go go let's go go go go—

In total, they did three matches. Noriko almost felt sorry for the boys. Almost. But she was sure as hell proud of them, as they had won all three. Karasuno wasn't a powerhouse but their super-quick (as Noriko likes to call it) was the trickiest part to overcome. They had come close to winning several sets and she wondered how the two boys, Hinata and Kageyama weren't worn out yet. Nori wanted to devise a plan to stop their quick during a time-out but Kenma seemed to had made one already and Inuoka seemed to manage against Hinata well. Even if she wasn't a part of the matches, she herself felt exhausted just from watching them. It was getting late and Nori had rushed to help clean up. "Ah, Shimizu!" Nori called, running over.

"Oh. Hi Noriko." She said quietly.

"Here's my number if you want to talk," Nori smiled, "you're pretty amazing Shimizu."

Shimizu avoided Noriko's gaze, taking the paper reluctantly. "Thank you...but I shouldn't be receiving that compliment when you were actively giving out pointers to your boys." She had written her number in the notebook, tearing the sliver of paper before handing it to Noriko.

"Don't beat yourself over it," she laughed, "They just got lucky with their manager. But so did Karasuno! You're so diligent Shimizu-senpai!"

"Noriko! We have to go!" Kenma called out.

"Sorry. I gotta go. We can talk later okay?"

"Mhm!" Shimizu said, giving her a nod of approval. Noriko ran after the rest of the Nekoma boys.

"Well? Well?" Yamamoto began.

"We exchanged numbers." Noriko boasted, showing the slip of paper. "I don't know about you but I've met a very good friend today."

"No fair!!"

"Can I have my yakisoba bun now Yamamoto?" She asked, sticking her arm out.

Yamamoto slapped the bun into her hand with a groan, "I can't believe I was wrong."

"Don't be, everything about you is wrong." Noriko replied, running to the bus.


She plopped herself down next to Kenma, opening her Yakisoba bun. "Whatcha' doing there?" She asked with a mouthful.

"Nothing..." Kenma said quietly. He still wasn't sure how to feel about Noriko. He kept his eyes focused on his DS, thinking to himself. On one hand, Noriko was a inspiration to him and also his personal bodyguard as long as he covered for her. Kobayashi hadn't bothered him in a long while after Noriko dealt with him after school. She had challenged him to a fight the day before Golden Week started and had won, Kobayashi basically ran with his tail between his legs after Noriko punched him twice. Kenma was relieved that his bully avoided him like the plague and was very thankful to Noriko and basically owed her. And about last night. He'd rather not think about it at all, still awkward about the whole situation.

"You're awfully quiet Kenma," Nori pointed out, slumping in her seat as the rest of the team got onto the bus. Nekomata and Naoi would be taking turns on the road while the kids rested in the back. Noriko yawned, pushing her knees up to her chest. Kenma glanced at her. She seemed worn out just by watching them. Her usual upbeat, energetic personality seemed to have disappeared. "Playing three matches must have been hard, huh?" Nori said, her head resting on her knees, staring out the window.

"Yeah," he said quietly. She let out an exasperated sigh.

"Anything wrong?" Kenma asked, noticing the frustration. Noriko shook her head.

"Just tired," she mumbled.

Kenma glanced back at the ceiling, "why? You weren't even doing anything."

Noriko shifted, "I know." She pouted, flaring her cheeks out, "I think just watching you wore me out. Personally, I'd probably be sitting out by the second set of the second match." She turned away from him, her head resting on the back of the seat.

"I would have too." He replied, focusing back onto his game. Someone tapped his shoulder. Kenma turned to see Kuroo. His face scrunched up and he turned away from Kuroo immediately.

"Kenmaaaa," he said quietly.

"What?" Kenma said irritably. He turned around.

Yaku smacked Kuroo on the back of the head, "Sit down!" He hissed.

Kuroo ignored Yaku's wishes, leaning further forward. "Let her lay on your lap." Kenma raised a brow, unable to process anything he said.

"I what now?" Yamamoto turned around in his seat, encouraging the same thing. Fukunaga, who was sitting next to Yamamoto had surprisingly turned around to encourage it as well. Yaku had given up on forcing the younger students back into their seats had leaned back in his own, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Just do it Kenma!" Kuroo said.

"Why? She's perfectly fine where she is." He replied calmly.

Kuroo leaned to the window side where Yaku was, still standing up, his hands resting on Noriko's shoulders. "Kuroo! Sit your ass down!" Yaku snapped, his front view being Kuroo's ass. Ignoring his wishes, he slowly inched Noriko's sleeping body over. Yamamoto helped from the front, Fukunaga watched, his head barely peeking over the seat.

"Don't you dare," Kenma hissed.

"And if I do?" Kuroo asked with a smirk. He was too tired to argue so he just glared at Kuroo instead. Kuroo gently pushed Noriko so she'd fall towards Kenma. Kuroo stared at Kenma who could do nothing.

"I, hate you so much."

"I love you too," Kuroo said, patting Kenma's head.

"Kuroo! Yamamoto! Sit down!" Naoi shouted from the front.

"Fine, fine." Kuroo muttered, bummed out.

"Busted," Yaku snickered.

"Shut up."

Nori stirred in her sleep causing Kenma to freeze. He, himself, had no idea how to get out of this awkward situation even though he seemed to have an answer for everything. Kenma had noticed how peaceful she was. Honestly, Nori seemed like an entirely different person once you've worn her out and that girl had an abundant amount of energy. Noriko was always running around, staying on her feet. She was always doing something and Kenma found it quite confusing how she had that much energy and motivation. She was also confident. In everything she does. Even if she knows that she'll fail a test. She'll go into that test confidently while knowing she studied absolute shit for the test. That, he admired. And also envied.  Kenma wondered why she hadn't given up the minute the world casted her away. The entire school whispered behind her back and everyone was afraid of her. They hated her for something she didn't do, something she didn't control. He, himself disliked her when the rumors came around but after sticking with her for a week, he considered her as a friend. If they really knew the truth, would the school still avoid her like the plague?MKenma sighed, unable to find a solution to Noriko's singular problem.

Noriko, was more vulnerable and soft than he thought she was.

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