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Noriko and Kenma went official about three months ago. Everyone was sort of shocked but not surprised. The two of them had been dancing around each other's feelings for a while. They had kept it secret for a while because Kenma wasn't comfortable with it being public.

Noriko didn't care as long as Kenma was happy and vice versa. They weren't surprised when Noriko had started the relationship. The only surprising thing was Kenma kissed Noriko first. The two had managed to keep their relationship undercover a lot which forced Noriko to not kiss Kenma on the way to class. Now, she didn't have to worry about it.

Noriko's self esteem issues about not being good enough for Kenma had died down since Kenma's expectations weren't high. He also just, really preferred Noriko's energy over every other girl in the school. He didn't know why but something about her was extra comforting.

Most issues have been resolved and the school has finally accepted Noriko as a part of the school.

"The fallen eagle,
lost its pride,
unable to fly,
or spread its wings.
and the cat,
she becomes.
To adapt, and overcome,
Courage is the absence of fear.
Confidence, she lacks,
but the eagle shall fly again,
with paws for talons.
A cat she becomes,
Just to fit in."

Noriko Sanctus, an eagle who lost her wings, grew claws and a tail, and became a cat who could reach the sky.

lmao we're doneeeee hope you enjoyeddddd

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