schnappter 2

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meeting with the cast

Natalia's POV

It was sunday morning and I was lying on a blanket in my garden, eating strawberries I bought with my mum right after the audition and texting with my best friend since middle school, Lila(who ships me with everyone, especially Noah Schnapp).

lillyanna😍💕: soooo
natt🤪❤: soo what?
lillyanna😍💕: so how was the audition? did you make it?
natt🤪❤: idk, they're gonna call my mum and tell her if I got the part
lillyanna😍💕: i bet you were amazing!!
natt🤪❤: caleb complimented me, so i think i was ok
lillyanna😍💕: wait what?! caleb mclaughlin?!?!??!?!
natt🤪❤: yeah why?
lillyanna😍💕: you met him?!?!?
natt🤪❤: i did:)
lillyanna😍💕: GFSHJKINPOWSR when you'll be on set i'll come to meet all the cast!
natt🤪❤: what are u talking about, i don't even know if i got the part
lillyanna😍💕: well i know u will, i tell you noah schnapp will be perfect for you...
natt🤪❤: jesus lills you're ublelievable🤖🤖


Oh. My God. That was my mum's phone ringing. I got up and ran to the living room.

"So?!?!?! What is he saying?!"

"Shhhh!!!" my mum silenced me and continued the talking.I stood next to her, waiting impatiently. Finally, she ended the call and put the phone on the sofa.

"Well, can you tell me now? Did I get the part?"

"I'm sorry honey" my mum said sadly. "You didn't."

All my dreams of being an actress dissapeared. Bye, Millie, bye, Noah, bye...

"Hey!" my mum shouted with laughter. "I was joking! Actually, you got the part!"

"WHAT?!?!?! Oh mum, why do you always have to scare me?!"

"I'm sorry" she hugged me, still laughing. "Oh, and there's one more thing. Matt Duffer asked me to complete some documents so we'll go to the filming studio. He also told me that you need to meet the cast so I'll go to the Duffers and leave you with the kids."

"OK mum" I answered, still not believing what had just happened.

10 min later

lillyanna😍💕: ahoy?? is anyone there?
natt🤪❤: sorry for not responding but i HAVE to tell u sth. i got the part!!!!
natt🤪❤: thanks<33 but can u please not tell anyone at school i got the part? i want to keep it in secret
lillyanna😍💕: ok no prob, text me later how was the meeting!!
natt🤪❤: ok ily byee💞
lillyanna😍💕: byee actress💜

I left the car and entered the building.

Noah's POV

We were all waiting in the corridor for the new cast member.

"Is she pretty?" Finn asked.

"Is she nice?" Sadie asked.

"I told you billion times" Caleb said.
"You'll see, so don't ask me again!!!"

"I think we'll like her" Millie said.

Suddenly, the doors opened and a girl came in. Everyone looked at her. She wasn't tall, but also not short. She had medium length dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was looking a little bit nervous. I couldn't take my eyes of her.

"Wow" Gaten started. "She looks..."

"Pretty" I finished. Everyone turned to me. "Pretty good. She looks pretty good."

"Mhmm" they all smiled. "Someone has fallen in love at first sight!"

"No, I did not" I started but the girl came towards us.

"Guys, this is Natalia Haynes" Caleb said. "Natalia, those are: Millie, Sadie, Gaten, Finn and Noah."

"Nice to meet  you" she said, smiling. She hugged everyone, me at the end. I could smell her vanilla perfume.

Natalia's POV

Oh. My god. I couldn't believe it! I've just met the Stranger Things cast!

"I'm so happy we've finally met you" Millie said.

"Yeah, Caleb told us nothing about you" Gaten added.

"Only that you're an amazing actress" Finn said.

"Thanks" i smiled and saw my mum coming towards us.

Everyone said "Good afternoon" to her and Sadie asked if I could go to a sleepover tonight at her house so that we could know each other better. My mum agreeded and before I came with her, everyone gave me their phone numbers.

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