schnappter 1

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the audition

Natalia's POV

"Honey, wake up. Today is your big day, remember? You can't be late!"

"Oh mum, five more minutes please!"

"But I thought you're excited!"

"Excited for what. School?"

"No, silly girl! The audition!"

Then I remembered. It was 12th January, Sunday, and I was supposed to audition for one of Stranger Things season 4 role! I quickly got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down next to my mum, who was just putting some waffles on my plate.

"Thanks, mum. What's the time by the way?"

"Oh, it's nearly 8, so we better hurry."

30 min later

Me and my mum were driving to a place were the audition was going to happen.

"We'll be there in about 10 minutes. Hey, are you nervous?" she asked.

"Well, kinda" I replied. "I've never auditioned for such a big show such as Stranger Things. I don't even know if I have chance..."

"Of course you have a chance
sweetie! " she interrupted me. "Do you think I didn't know that?"

"But what if they don't like me?"

"They will, I'm sure they will. Just be yourself and do your best."

20 min later

I was waiting with my talent agent in a corridor for the audition, when a middle-aged woman with dark, curly hair came in.

"OK, who's next? Natalia Haynes?"

"That's my name" I laughed nervously.

"Come with me, please."

The lady led me to a small room, with some people already inside.

"Hi, my name is Carmen Cuba and I'm the casting director. Let us record your audition, shall we?"

"Sure, no problem" I responded as I heard the camera turning on.

"Introduce yourself, please."

"Hi, my name is Natalia Haynes. I'm 14. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I'm auditioning for the role of 029, ..."

My audition was lasting for some time and I've realised I'm not so bad.

"Now, you're going to have some 029 lines with Caleb McLaughlin"

A few seconds later, Caleb McLaughlin came in.

"Hi Natalia, nice to meet you."

"Hey Caleb, nice to meet you too."

"Pretend like you're really acting - Carmen said. "Scene 78 aaand... action!"

Blanca(029)(crying): How could you do this to me, Lucas!
Lucas: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Blanca. I wish that never, ever hapened.
Blanca(029): I wish that too(closes her eyes)

I oened my eyes and waited.

"Well... how was it?" I asked impatiently.

Everyone stared at me, saying nothing. Finally, Carmen Cuba spoke.

"That was brilliant."


"Oh yes. We'll call your mum to tell her if you got the part and now Caleb, please escort Natalie to the doors."

Caleb and I left the room.

"Wow, you were amazing!" he said.

"You think so?" I asked in disbelief.

"Oh, I know so."

"Oh, thank you Caleb. It was pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you, too" he smiled and went back to the building. Smiling, I went towards my mum's car parked in the parking lot."

GUYS!!!! I'm sorry Noah wasn't in this schnappter (lol) but I promise he is going to be in the next one!! thanks for reading(if anyone is actually)
xoxo, natt♡

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