schnappter 23

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the boat
Noah's POV
I woke up to the sun rays petting my cheeks. At first I wasn't sure where I was, but then I remembered - it was our first day in New York! We had some interviews in the afternoon but before that, we had a lot of time for ourselves. Today was the day Natalia and I were probably making things publicly official. I got out of the bed with a plan in my head already.

Natalia's POV
Millie, Sadie and I woke up cuddled up. We greeted each other and then got up, had a shower etc. I was brushing my hair with a hairbrush when I heard a knock and saw Noah coming in.
"Morning Haygirl" he grinned.
"Morning Pear" I responded with a soft smile "How come you're up so early?"
"Oh, you know— I had to make sure you'te not having any plans till our interviews"
"And why's that?"
"Because I'm taking you out today" he responded with a cute smirk "As soon as you get ready, I'll be waiting downstairs, no questions, see ya!" and he ran away.
I turned around and saw Mills and Sadie grinning at me.

10 minutes later
As i got ready, I went downstairs to see Noah. He was waiting for me outside the hotel. I walked from behind and wrapped my arms around him. He turned around and smiled. We then started walking "somewhere".
"So..." I broke the silence "Where are you taking me?"
"I'm not gonna tell you" he grinned "You'll see"
After a while we reached Central Park. We went straight and came up to the huge lake in the middle of the park. I gasped as I saw a tiny little wooden boat painted in white. Noah stood there, waiting for my reaction.

"Noah, I- I don't know what to say" I finally managed to bring something out. He smiled softly and blushed a little. "Ready for a boat trip?"

"Sure I am" I smiled and let him help me with getting into the boat. He then did same, took the paddles and we started sailing. I couldn't believe in my happiness.

Millie's POV

I watched Talia getting ready for her date with Noah. "They both make each other so happy" I thought to myself. A while after she left our hotel room, Sadie and I reached the window and watched them walking together, smillling and laughing. Right after that, the other boys and Lizzy came to our room. Finn pecked a kiss on my forehead as Sadie and Caleb stood in an embrace, same with Gaten and Lizzy.

"Let's have breakfast in that cafè downstairs" Finn said "Like a tripple date or somethin!" Gaten exclaimed. I smiled as we headed to the elevator.

15 minutes later

We've been sitting in the cafè for some time, chatting and enjoying our breakfast. I was taking a sip from my fresh orange juice when Caleb widened his eyes.

"Bro what happened" Finn asked a bit worried. Caleb said nothing but showed us his phone.

We all widened our eyes, furious.

"Anyone knows where he took her?" Sadie finally spoke.

Natalia's POV

Noah and I have been on our cute little boat for a while. I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I was so overwhelmed with his behaviour, him being so great. And know... everything about that boat... my thoughts were disturbed with Noah speaking.
"We've finally reached our direction" he said, putting the paddles away and moving closer. I turned around and snuggled into him, closing my eyes. We were "like that" for a while, him petting my cheeks. I finally got up and grabbed his cheeks with my hands, pulling his head closer. I gently touched his lips with mine, stroking his hair and knowing that my hair was petting his cheeks because of the light gusts of wind that were accompanied by waves produced by the swans. I pulled away and looked at him, smiling. The moment was gone when I widened my eyes.
A large swan suddenly flew right above us and in an instant I knew we were in each other's arms, laughing breathlessly... in the WATER.
"Aand the moment's gone" resigned Noah. I managed to bring out a short laugh but I stopped as I saw our boat, ... ,turned upside down.
"How are we supposed to come back?"
"I dunno", he replied "Let's maybe try pushing it and swing our legs at the same time"

*long time later*
We FINALLY managed to reach the shore although the man who lent us the boat wasn't very pleased when he saw us. Drenched but embraced ( :) )we headed towards the hotel when I noticed some flashes from the right.
"Did you hear that?" I asked Noah.
"These clicks? Yeah... they sound familiar..."
We turned around to see nothing we expected. I stood, frozen. Noah did too.
"What are we doing?" I whispered to him.
"Well, I'd say... the best what
we can do is just... RUN!!!!"
I immidiately felt him grabbing my hand and in an instant we were speeding to the place with some bikes. We quickly took someone's bike ("sorry!" "pick it up in the Kennedy Hotel!!") and rushed to our destination, avoiding the meddlesome photographers. I didn't even try to fight with the wind blowing my hair in different directions. I was just very cold, so I tightened myself to Noah and tilted my head, grinning to myself.

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