schnappter 14

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Natalia's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. The sun's rays were coming in through the window. I turned and saw SHIRTLESS NOAH SLEEPING NEXT TO ME WHAT. I noticed our chins were VEEEEERY close. I moved a little so that we weren't so close (we weren't together after all) and went back to sleep.

Noah's POV

I opened my eyes and first off saw Natts laying on my chest. Her hand was brushing my hair. I wasn't sleepy anymore so I started stroking her hair, smilling weakly.

Natalia's POV

I woke up to Noah playing with my hair. He was gently running his fingers over my locks, looking at me peacufully. I glanced at him shyly and snuggled into his warm embrace. After some time, we both decided to finally get up. We went to the kitchen and decided to prepare some breakfast. I had to ask him this.

"Hey, Noah..."


"Remember when you texted me yesterday, that we should meet up so that you could tell me something?"

Noah's POV

"Yeahh... " OH shoot. Should I tell her now?

"So, what was it about?" she asked.

"Ummm... Welllll... it was..."

I heard some laughs upstairs.

Natalia's POV

He was really stressed.

"You know, if you're not okay with telling me, you don't have to, you know that right?" I asked him peacufully.

"Yeah yeah, but actually, it was nothing" he smiled. "I just wanted to see you"

"Oh... okay" I smiled a little. Didn't expect that.

I heard everyone coming downstairs.

"Morning sleepyheads" I smiled as I joined the group hug with Mills and Sadie.

"Hi lovebirds" Finn walked in "How was the night?"

I rolled my eyes as I tossed the pancake. Aftr a while I gave them to Noah and he brought them to the living room, where our friends were watching "Victorious". I came with nutella and strawberry jam. We had our breakfast while laying on the sofa and watching Trina imitating a celebrity in a chinese restaurant:)


a little bit short but sth coming up:)

thanks for more than 500 reads!!!!

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