schnappter 8

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good morning america

Lilly has already gone bc she was part of the audience and she had to the ticket stuff etc. It was 10:30am and I was leaving bathroom, covered only with a towel, when someone opened the door and came in.

"Surprise!!!!!" Gaten and Caleb shouted.

"AAAAAAHHHHH" I screamed.

"GET OUT FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!" both Millie and Sadie shouted at tchem. They didn't need to be told twice; they said sorry and quickly closed the door. I sat on my bed and started brushing my hair.

"Boys are so stupid" Millie said and we all started laughing. Then we dressed up and Sadie did our hair, and then makeup stylists did our makeup (florence by mills ofc). After that, we decided to take a picture of us. Ater half an hour, we heard a knock, so we shouted "come in!" and we saw all the boys in fancy clothes coming in. First one was Caleb.

"Wow, you look beautiful!" he looked at Sadie, who blushed. "I mean, you all do" he turned to me and Millie.

"We wanted to apologise for our morning behaviour but apparently Caleb forgot about it" Gaten said which caused both Sadie and Caleb to blush.

"That's OK, really" we said "but please knock" we laughed.

15 min later

We were driving a car to the interview. I posted a video on my ig story that showed a view of New York from a car window. My classmates were interested why I was in New York but I didn't tell them. Altough Julie who I mentioned before dm'ed me that probably I'm looking for a dumpsite because I'm trash and that she would never want to be my friend. I used to cry because of bullying when I was younger but now she's not going to break me. The boys were in front and Sadie, Millie and I were sitting in the back of the car while listening to what Shawn Levy was telling us.

"Alright, Natalia, you will leave the car last because you're new and people don't know you" so I nodded. After that, someone from the secuirity opened the door and the boys got out of the car. I could see crowd cheering and screaming their names. Then Sadie got out and she went to some girls who looked like they were about to faint. Then Millie got out and the screams were even louder. "Oh my god, I can't do this" I thought, "I can't get out of this car". And then I looked at Noah. He was looking impatiently at the car I was in. Then he saw me sitting inside. We looked at each other for a second. "Cmon farmer, you can do this!" I could reaad from his mouth. A grin appeared on my face and I got out of the car. People started screaming AGAIN so I waved to them, smiling. There were flashlights of cameras even tough it was daylight. I went to Millie and Noah, who were posing for papparazzi. Millie hold my hand and we posed together. After a while, we entered the building. "That's how my life looks now" I thought.

It was nearly 12:20 and we were all waiting for the interview to start. We've already had two photoshoots. Then, Shawn Levy came towards us.

"OK guys, you're beginning in 5minutes. But remember, don't spoil anything. Natalia, you, can only say a little information about your character. And good luck!!"

After that, we came to a big room with audience inside and we sat on chairs prepared for us. I looked at the audience and saw Lilly with our mums. I smiled to them and they smiled back.


"OK, we're live in 3...2...1..."

"Hello everyone in 'Good Morning America!" the presenter started. "Today I'm with the kids from Stranger Things-"

"Excuse me, kids?" Caleb asked with a fake shock on his face.

"We're not kids anymore!" Finn quoted Mike and we all started laughing.

noah schnapp × reader/ puppy loveWhere stories live. Discover now