schnappter 13

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truth... or dare?

Natalia's POV

Noah and I finally reached my house. We had about half an hour till our friends were coming, so we decided to go upstairs. We of course washed ice cream off (we were splashing each other which caused us to change clothes into some oversized sweatshirts). We talked, but got a little bored.

"So, what shall we do, Mr Schnapp?" I asked, teasing him.

"Oh, I know!" he exclaimed. "Let's play 'The Floor Game'!"

"Umm... I don't think I know the rules..." I said, a little confused.

"They're quite simple, it's a game for two people, one of them - it can be you - has to lie on the floor" he said, so I obediently lied on the floor, more confused "And then the other person has to do this" he said and then started tickling me.

 I was dying of laughter. [hahah you thought they were going to ki ss? sorry but NO]

"Noah please stopppp" I said while laughing.      

"Oh you want me to keep going ok" he says as he kept tickling. "Thats it Schnapp" I said as I rolled over on top of him and started tickling him.

"Hey!" he tried to stop me "That's against the rules!"

"I make my own rules" I winked. "Also, haven't you invented that game a few seconds ago?"

"Nooo... " he did an innocent face. "Hey, look!" he pointed at something behind me. I turned around, but saw nothing. He took advantage of it and rolled over on top of me. He sat on my legs so that I won't move and kept tickling me. I was dying of laughter. After some time, he finally stopped. He looked in my eyes. I looked at him, smilling, still hardly breathing. My heart stopped beating for a second when he started slowly leaning to me. oH. gOD. We were 3 inches apart when...


He stopped leaning. My heart started racing as usual.

"I... should get that" I stammered, and slowly got up, leaving ashamed Noah in my bedroom.

Noah's POV

I'm such an idiot.

Natalia's POV

I'm a completet idiot.

When I opened the door, I saw Millie, Sadie, Finn, Caleb and Gaten standing in the doorway.

"Hi guys!" I said while joining a group hug with my girls. "Come in"

"And where's Noah" Gaten asked.

"Oh, he's... he's upstairs" I said trying to act normal. But I saw Millie's and Sadie's face expressions and I felt my cheeks burning.

time skip bc i'm lazyy

"Hey guys, do you know the game that is Truth or Dare alike, but you do the dare or say truth when you and another person say the same numer?" Caleb asked. We knew it, of course, and we decided to play it.

[i don't even remember the name of that game but the rules are quite simple, someone gives you dare or truth, let's say, that you have to rap sth, you and this person say a numer, if you said the same numer, you do the rap, and if not, then nothing happens]

We've been playing this game for nearly an hour and already Gaten had to drink a mixture Finn and Noah prepared from ketchup and raspberry sauce (he said it was delicious), Caleb confessed he's been liking Sadie since they met on Broadway, Noah had to post a "I love gogo squeez" video on Instagram and Finn had to sing City Boy in a 90's diva voice. The, it was Millie's turn.

"Millie..." I asked her with a grinn "How much are the odds you and Finn will spend 7 minutes in the closet?"

"No way" she said.



"4! shit You'll regret that" she said, as she gave grinning Finn her hand and they both went to the closet.

"Don't do anything inappropriate!" Caleb shouted and we all laughed. After 7 minutes, they finally came out, both blushing. Sadie and I looked at her as we wanted to ask: "did something happened?" and she quickly nodded, uncontrollably smiling.

"OK Natts, your turn" Millie said. "How much are the odds you and Noah will stay hands connected for the next 3 hours?" she asked, grinning.

"Hey, but it's for two people!" Noah exclaimed. "It's against the rules!"

"Don't act like you don't want it!" Finn shouted and Noah turned red.

Oh god




Everybody started cheering except me and Noah, of course.

"See? I told ya you're gonna regret your dare!" Millie exclaimed happily. Noah moved closer to me.

"Is it okay if I take your hand, ma'am?" he asked.

"No problem" I smiled, and gave him my hand.

"Movie time!" Gaten screamed so we decided to watch some movies. All the time Millie kept looking at Noah and I and screamed "You're not close enough!!!" so we had to move closer. I felt like our bodies were connected. I was really sleepy and I don't know when I dozed off.

Noah's POV

We've been watching something when I felt Talia's head on my shoulder. Our hands were still connected, tho. You look so beautiful and adorable when you sleep. Well, not only when you sleep, actually. I started stroking her hair.

After about 20 min, the movie ended. Natts was still asleep on my soulder.

"Aaww...! So cute" Finn and Caleb squealed like little girls. How come they are older than me? I decided not to wake up Talia and just carry her to her bed. When we went to her bedroom, Finn whispered to me:

"Remember about the protection!"

I rolled my eyes. I laid Natalia down and decided to lay next to her. I felt asleep while playing with her hair.


hellour, pls vote! also thanks for more than 450 reads!!!!!

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