schnappter 3

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the sleepover

Natalia's POV

I was packing for sleepover at Sadie's when I got a text message. I checked who texted me and it said: Noah Schnapp, so I opened it.

noah: hi Natts! what's up?
natalie: getting ready for the sleepover, what about u?
noah: same:) btw, how can we call you?
natalie: idk, think of sth creative:)
noah changed your nick to: haygirl🌻❣
haygirl🌻❣: bahahhaha WHAT?? why haygirl?
noah: hay-nes. istn't that creative?
haygirl🌻❣ changed noah's nick to: schnapple🍎💟
haygirl🌻❣: not as creative as yours😎
schnapple🍎💟: whyyyyyyy
haygirl🌻❣:  it's sort of punishment u know
schnapple🍎💟: maybe... anyways, i have to go now😭😭
haygirl🌻❣: see ya at sadie's!!
schnapple🍎💟: see ya❤

When I left my phone on my bed, I realised I was smiling like an idiot. A happy idiot.

time skip to Sadie's sleepover brought you by Barb

We were all at Sadie's house for some time, waiting for pizza, so we decided to play Truth or Dare (ehehe).

"Truth or dare, Finn?"


"Do you like Millie's little sister, Ava?"

"Err...she's really cute but sometimes she's also freacking annoying. Sorry Mills."

"What are you sorry for?" Millie responded. "I feel the same about her!"

"Truth or dare, Gaten?" Finn asked.

He chose dare, so he had to go on the balcony and scream the lyrics of neverendingstory. And he did it, even though Sadie recorded him. Then it was me and I chose Truth.

"Do you like Noah?" Gaten asked. Seriously Gaten?

"Well, we know each other for only some hours, but I do like Noah" I responded and looked at smiling Noah, satisfied with the answer.  Then, it was Sadie and she chose Truth.

"Do you like Caleb, Sadie?" I asked.

"Errr...yeah" she responded. "Truth or dare, Caleb?"

"Dare" he said as we heard a doorbell ring.

"Go get the pizza because I'm too lazy to do it!" she laughed and gave him the money. When he came back, Noah chose Dare so he told him to
It didn't last a second when I could feel his (strong) arms around my neck. I hugged him back.

"Awwww you look too adorable together!" both Millie and Sadie shouted and the boys agreeded, what made us feel a bit embarassed. Then, we went to the living room to watch a movie. I saw that Millie wanted to seat by my right side, but Noah was faster - he pushed her and quickly sat next to me.

"Ugh you're so rude Noah! Anyways, I'll just seat by her left side"

We were arguing which film should we watch when Millie said that she didn't play Truth or Dare so she wanted to choose the film. She chose IT, the horror in which our Finnie played Richie. We were watching the film for some time when I got scared, so I grabbed Noah's hand. He looked at me.

"I- I'm sorry" I stammered. "I got scared".

"No, that's fine" he said. "Actually, you can hold my hand if that makes you feel less scared"


"Yeah, why not?" he smiled, so I didn't move my hand back. In fact, we were holding hands till the end of the film.

the next morning

I opened my eyes... then I saw I was in Sadie's room. I turned around to still sleeping Noah.

"He looks so cute while asleep!" I thought and started stroking him.

"Noah, it's time to wake up, Noah..." I was saying while stroking him. He finally opened his eyes.

"Can I please hire you as my alarm?" he said, half awake.

"Don't be silly, Noah, and wake up"

"Alright...wait- where is everybody?"

We looked around and saw that we were alone, so we went downstairs and found our friends in the kitchen. They were sitting and chatting while Sadie and Caleb were frying pancakes.

"Here they are! Our sleeping beauties" Gaten laughed.

"You looked so adorable together that we decided not to wake you up" Finn added.

"Breakfast ready!!" both Sadie and Caleb shouted. We sat down and started eating.

"Mmm, they're good!" we said.


the end of this schnappter! hope u like it. please let me know in the comments if u enjoy so far.
merry christmas, natt♡

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