schnappter 011

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late night filming


Natalie's POV

It was the end of July and Millie, Sadie and I were walking our dogs (fans went crazy after i started posting photos and videos with Pongo) in a park. It was about 1pm and it was one of these days when we were filming at night. By the way, Finn had asked Millie out already and same with Caleb and Sadie. After tonight Millie, Sadie and I were going to have a sleepover. Seems fun, right? NO. Tonight we were doing the scene...

"So, Natts!" Sadie started. "Are you excited?"

"Excited for what?" I stammered.

"Don't act like you don't know what's coming up!" Milie laughed. "Are you ecited for the kissing scene!"

"Umm... I don't know... I'm a bit nervous... Noah is my best friend and... ughh I don't know"

"Don't worry, it's going to be okay" they smiled" Sadie said. "When I had my first kissing scene, I was nervous, but now it's fine".

"Yeah but you and Caleb ARE together! ANd Noah and I aren't!"

"Don't worry, it's going to change. Soon" Millie laughed and I turned red.


"OK guys, action!"

It was 9pm and Noah and I were practising our scene, in which Blanca's leg hurted (bc when Will and Blanca were iceskating on the lake, suddenly Blanca heard some evil noises in her head and started screaming and the ice "broke" and Will and Blanca fell in the water and he started drowning so Blanca used her powers to kinda throw him on ice and then she manager to get on ice cover, but she injured her leg) so her leg hurts and she needs help while walking just like El in the last episode of season 3 and so Will needs to help her when she's standing or walking, the scene you were doing was the scene in which it was evening, Blanca and Will were in bedroom, she got up from bed and tried to walk so Will quickly tried helping her but he accidentally pushed her and they both fell on the bed, Will's face was really near Blanca's,, they looked deeply in each other eyes and after a while Will leaned and kissed her, through the whole thing they were accidentally holding hands.

[This is SOO beautiful and I don't know how my not creative mind created this]

ok back to the story!!

So Noah and I were practising our scene, we practised it about 16 times but every time without the kiss because the duffer brothers knew we were friends and didn't want to make things uncomfortable (the only mad were Finn, Caleb, Sadie and Millie), and every time he leaned to me I was very nervous and my heart started beating faster, I was really nervous and stressed because my mum, dad, little brother, manager, all the workers and extras (who decided to watch because why not) were about to watch NOAH CAMERA SCHNAPPERS KISS ME ahh nevermind. Maybe we could rewrite the story so that we didn't need to kiss?

"Natalia, Noah, last practise and then 15 min break after which we are going to film!" Matt Duffer shouted as loud as possible. Spoke too soon. I sighed while sitting on the bed.

"Aaand... action!"

I got up and tried to walk, but Noah looked at me and quickly held me but he pushed me and we fell on the bed. We looked at each other for a while, both scared.

"Kiss her, Schnapper boy!" Finn shouted which made us turned red and the makeup stylist mad.

"OK everyone, 15 min break and then we our doing the scene!"

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