schnappter 5

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cherry blossom

Natalia's POV

"What time will the interview start?"

"I think at 11, so we should be there at 10"

"And what should I wear? Something casual, or maybe something elegant?" I was overwhelming Shawn Levy with questions.

"You don't have to wear an evening dress, but don't come in pyjamas" he laughed.

"OK, I'm sorry for asking you so many questions, but you know, I've never been intervied and all this is so new to me..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you can do this, alright? Also, there's a month left so we have a lot of time till the interview!" he smiled.

*time skips to filming*

Blanca (029)(crying): how could you do this to me Lucas?
Lucas: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Blanca. I wish that never happened.
Blanca: I wish that too(closes her eyes)

I opened my eyes.

"Wow, that was good!" Finn shouted.

"Yeah, you're an amazing actress" Noah complimented me.

"Thanks" I smiled to them.

"Hey guys, do you want to hang out today after filming?" Gaten asked.

"Sadie and me are babysitting lour little sisters, sorry" Millie said sadly.

"Actually I'm sorry for you. What about you Natts?

"I'm going shopping with my mum"

"And I'm helping my dad in the garden" Finn added.

"I guess it's only me, Gaten and Noah who are going" Caleb said.


Noah's POV

Caleb, Gaten and I were walking in the park, talking about everything and laughing. We went to an ice cream shop and bought some ice cream.

"I wish they had cookie dough with chocolate instead of vanilla" I said.

"Mmm, that would be good!" Gaten said.

"So Noah, how are things with Natts?

"WHAT are you talkin about?"

"You know what I am talking about" Caleb said.

"Are you together already?" Gaten asked.

"No!! I don't like her this way! We're just friends"

"Don't lie" Caleb said. "We see the way you look at each other"

"Well then, what about you and Sadie?"

"Ermm..." he was about to say something when a group of girls came towards us.

"Hey, are you guys actors from Stranger Things?"

"Yeah, we are"

"Can we take a picture with you?"

"Sure" we smiled and after that a long queue of people was formed. We were taking pictures with fans when suddenly we heard someone yelling.

"Hey, move! I'm better than you and I NEED the picture. Do you understand?!"

Suddenly, a girl with TONES of makeup on (not florence by mills tho) came towards us (or as I should say - she knoked everyone else off). Everybody stood or lied in silence, waiting for what will happen next. Then, the girl looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Julie. I was auditioning for the role of your girlfriend, but they didn't choose me" she walked towards me, with a fake smile on her face. I heard some whispers from the crowd, surprised whether what she was saying about the new role was true. Some people started recording. "Girlfriend?"

"Yes, girlfriend. You know, I would be perfect for you" she was so close I could smell her awful cherry blossom perfume.

"Naahh, I don't think so" I smiled and then Caleb, Gaten and I started running leaving confused fans with Julie who was screaming at them.

"What tf just happened?" Gaten asked.


My Mum and I were walking between the hangers, choosing some clothes to try on. Finally, I wnt to the dressing room to putthem on, and my mum was waiting outside.

"So, how is working on set so far?" she asked.

"It's absolutely amazing, Mum!" I replied. "I've met great people there and I love spending time with them!

"And do you have any special scenes to do?" she asked with a little smirk.

"Umm, how special?"

"You know, the kissing..."

"Ahh yes, I have some, why are you asking?"

"Cause! I'm interested with whom my daughter will share her first kiss!"


"What? Is this going to be Noah?"

"Yep. Hey! How did you guess so fast?"

"Well, Mike is with Eleven, Lucas is with Max and even Dustin has someone, The only left is Will, played by..."

"Noah Schnapp?" I left the dressing room.

"Exactly! So it was easy and WoW you look beautiful!!

"Thanks" I smiled. "I think I'll go with this outfit"

"I'm sure you will. It is perfect!"

We payed for it and left the mall. We got inthe car and drived to the StarbucksDrive.

"You know what's also perfect for me?"

"No Natalia. I'm not getting you dalmatian:)"

 I'm not getting you dalmatian:)"

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Author's note

hello. no one is reading this but i saw that SOMEONE actually did add this trash to their reading list so i decided to update. stay safe;))


noah schnapp × reader/ puppy loveWhere stories live. Discover now