Chapter 4: Stronger

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I'm glad that the book survived that whole ordeal. I need to find somewhere safe to read it though. Maybe I can go to the fountain room again. I don't know why, but I feel safe while being near that fountain.

After much roaming around later, I finally found it. But, I don't think it's the same fountain. The shape and the size of it is a little different from before. But it emits a calming aura all the same.

I took a drink to re-energize myself. Yep, still too cold for my taste. But I feel much better after drinking it. It's like an energy drink that has healing properties. I was thinking of carrying some, but I don't have any water containers.

I sat down on the floor. Time to get reading.

I turn to the first page.

When thinking about it, I also know how to read this. I tried pronouncing the words to some success. So I must be sentient and not some random monster that decided to run away from their home. I look at my claws for a while, then look back at the book. Now is not the time to ponder though.

"This journal is used to keep track of things during the course of this mission. I have a feeling it will be a long one, so this experience might prove to be useful for those scholars. The journey will be a treacherous one, treading unknown ground and chasing far for an elusive target. The Yore's Task Force sends a hundred able-bodied man including myself for this target alone. Understandable, since it was a Mythical Beast, the 4th one to be exact. A ruthless killer, burning anyone who stands in its way with fire that can rival the sun. I just hope we survive this..."

This looks like a retale from a hunt of sorts by someone named Aegis. According to this book, he seems like a good man, always looking out after his partners. While a monster with that strength is concerning, I doubt I can do anything about that. For now, let's look at the 'Mystery Dungeon' part.

"Mystery dungeons are nasty things, tricking the minds of those who are unprepared into trapping themselves forever, unable to see the light of day ever again. To escape, one must know he is in a dungeon, a strong mind to see through its trickery, and strong enough to survive its occupants. Those who have given up are to join them, drove to insanity by the dungeon anomaly."

A certain chilling feel went over me. Well, that's just great isn't it? Didn't really dampen my confidence there no sir.

"Mystery Dungeons have these 'floors' that can be accessed by stairs. The number of floors is unknown, but each floor WILL have one to access the next floor."

So I had to find these stairs right? I imagine it won't be easy since it was somewhere in the maze.

I looked up from the book to ponder where I should go next, only to find the stair in line of sight, just to the next room from here. My maw hung loose. did I not see that before? It's basically in front of me! Maybe this place is playing on some tricks. But... I think I'm still going to check it just to make sure.

Walking next to it, it looks like just a normal-looking stone stairs, except for the fact that it leads to absolutely nowhere. Seriously, that thing just goes up for a few feets before ending there. I climbed them just for the sake of it.

Suddenly, the chilling feel when I enter the tunnel returns. My vision blurred for a moment. When I was able to see again, I saw the stairs are gone as I'm standing on the solid floor. The rooms and the tunnels are different, no longer covered with layers of ice. Instead, it just looks like a normal cave.

...Gonna chalk that as a dungeon anomaly as well. I'm gonna guess I have arrived on another floor. I picked a tunnel on my right and continue there.

While walking, I have a feeling that I'm being followed. I tested this by speeding up and was rewarded by a few tapping sounds on the floor. I turned a corner and quickly dispatch the threat with a surprise attack. It was a monster spider with an ugly looking fangs. Its face makes me jittery a bit.

Then, I felt the urge to move out of the way. A string of web stick to where I had been. I saw it reaching upwards toward another one from above. I nimbly dodge more of the strings until I'm confident enough to catch one and pull the attacker near. The spider put up a pathetic fight up close and was quickly dispatched. More coming from the tunnel, but I'm confident to push through.

As I killed more and more spiders, I have a feeling that I'm getting stronger somehow. My claw thrusts feel deadlier, my feet feel lighter, my strength getting more difficult to wane. I welcomed every help I can get to survive. To get out of here, I need to get stronger.

After what felt like a dozen of dead spiders behind me, I finally arrived in a room with another stairs. I climbed onwards.

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