Chapter 11: Village Trip

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We're going at a pretty average pace, but I would prefer it if we would go faster though. Getting stuck out here during the night would be bad. Here hoping she knows where she is going.

Emily looks a bit fidgety. Probably about bringing me to her village. I mean, am I ready yet? What's people's opinion of my kind? Only one way to find out.

"Aegis, you are hurt.." Emily said with a worried tone.

I took a look at my right side. There's a cracked scale that leaks blood. Although I wouldn't worry too much, the scales took most of the blow.

"Just a scratch, can be treated later."

She looks a bit longer before nodding. Granny here is still dragging me along. I would appreciate if she just let go, I can walk myself just fine.

Never mind that, we are nearing the front gates. The moment of truth.

"Oi! Open the gates you snail! We have a guest!" Granny bellowed.

Wow, she sure can be loud if she wants to. There are a few murmurs inside the gate before a head pops above.

"Chief! You are back!" The man said.

Chief? The Granny?

"Yes, yes now hurry up!"

"Just a moment!" The head went back down. I don't think he noticed me yet, he seems quite in a rush.

With a loud Shank!, the wooden gates slowly open. The same man came out to greet us, probably a gatekeeper. A relieved look on his face, until his eyes reached me, towering behind Emily and Granny.

"W..what... what's that behind you?!" He grips his spear with both hands and pointed it at me.

"Lower your spear you fool, this is our guest" Granny said.

"B..but.. that's a drake! A beast!" The man stammers.

Sigh, I guess I expected this. I guess what people see on the outside is a mere beast. I feel tempted to speak right to prove my intelligence, but I let her do the talking.

"Elliot, what are on about? Let us inside now! Or are you questioning my judgment?"

The man now identified as Elliot seems to hesitate. Granny sure has an authority figure here.

"Alright.. come in."

I'm surprised that got sorted out. I was ready to up and leave. He returned inside to open the gate a little more to let my larger figure in.

We walked inside before the gate closed again. The village is pretty modest, with most buildings made out of entirely wood materials. A few people were up and about going with their day.

"Emily, go ahead and take our guest to our house. I need to settle a few things." Granny said.

"Ok, Aegis its this way." Emily replied.

Granny went to talk in a low voice with Elliot while Emily leading the way, but I can still hear them.

"I'm fine, but I fear this kidnapping isn't just for show. Set up a proper defense, we will be expecting more guests that are... less pleasant than the current one. They will not stop until our village fall."

"..understood" Elliot replied before moving elsewhere.

Now that is concerning. I would gladly lend a hand during the time comes. With that, I focused on the road ahead.

Only to regret it a moment later.

Everywhere I look, people dodged my sight, as if dodging a predator's gaze. Some ran inside their houses, some pull their child out of the way. But, they all have one thing in common..

They are afraid of me.

"AAAH! What's it doing here?!"

"Get inside everyone!"

The worst of it all, I can sense their fear, like it was second nature. It's like... I had this kind of feeling before.

"Aegis, you alright there?"

I shook myself out of my thoughts. I just noticed that I have stopped walking.

"I'm fine."

"If it soothes you, you don't have to mind them too much, they just weren't used to seeing your kind."


"Come on, it's right over here."

I ignored the rest of the terrified look and sped up a little to catch with Emily.

"We're here, give me a sec."

While she's working on the door, I took a moment to look at the wooden house. Honestly, it doesn't look that much different from the rest. Perhaps they prefer to keep it modest and simple.

"Come on in." Emily invited after opening the door.

Can the house even support me? The house was designed so that it elevated from the ground by a few inches, supported by wooden beams. I also had to duck on my way in since the door is a little bit small for me.

"Sorry about that, we usually weren't expecting uh, big guest."

I waved her concern, I think I'm the one that should feel sorry if anything broke. That aside, the inside looks cozy. A small round table and couches are the centers of attention.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be right back."

And with that, she went to another room. My tail would pretty much ruin the rattan couch, so I sat on the floor while I wait.

In fact, what am I even doing here? Hmm, I still need to know how to get out of this forest. Also, the dungeon bit, so the people can't go outside because of that? Perhaps they don't want to risk going against monsters when they can live happily here. Am I ready for another dungeon trip?

"Here, this paste should fix you right up."

Emily came back with a bowl in her hand and applied its content to the injured spot. Honestly, I think its a bit unnecessary but I'm not going to stop her.

"You probably thinking why I didn't use my magic right?" Emily started.

Not really, but I stayed silent to prompt her to continue.

"I'm not a true healer mage, I can only heal once a day with Restore and no more than that. It would be a shame if I wasted it early.

That's why I want to explore, there are so many spells to be learned out there. But ah, that's just wishful thinking."

I mulled over to what she said. Maybe I can help with that? But that means she will have to leave her home though.

"Let's wait for Granny for now." She sat down next to me.

And so we waited while she shares stories about the wonders of spells.

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