Chapter 17: Confrontation

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The cold feeling went away, and the inside of the Dungeon was visible again. I think we went into another floor, although somehow the trees look even denser than before. Emily stepped away from my back and stood beside me. It looks like a straight path from here, no branching left or right. Without a word, we walked until we came across another fountain and decided to rest for a bit.

"You doing alright?" She asked. "You took quite a beating back there."

"I'm fine, those puny goblins can't possibly hurt me."

"Oh getting cocky are we?"

She grabbed a paste in her bag and proceeded to apply it to me anyway. I can only make her job easier by sitting down.

"You know... you don't have to take all the blows. I can stand a few hits... but I appreciated it nonetheless."


"Alright, now that's done ready to go?" She finished applying the medicine.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We continued our way until we found another room and quite a spacious one at that.

"Is this the 'center'? This is quite large compared to the others before. We need to destroy anything that sort of 'powers' this dungeon into existence." She said while looking around. "I have a bad feeling about this."

True, even the canopy above reaches higher than usual.

"What are we supposed to find anyway?" I asked her, but another voice answers instead.

"It's not what, it's who for you" The same man from before came out of the shadows. "And that would be me."

"I didn't mention it before, but that man is wearing a white mage robe..." Emily whispered to me.

"Who are you? Why do you say so?" Emily asked the man. "I did not recognize you, but did you perhaps came from our village?"

"Oh little girl, I would entertain you, but you do not pique my interest." The man instead looked at my direction. I tensed from the gaze. "That drake over there, it would be lovely to have it in my collection of monsters. Especially since your repulsive rampage reduced their numbers..."

"You commanded the monsters to attack the village? Why?!" She asked, baffled.

"They've simply been a nuisance for living, halting the Dungeon from growing. I would be happy to see my Dungeon grow." He looked at Emily in the eyes. "Now, run away and leave the drake here with me. I won't be so kind for a second chance."

"No I won't!" She shouted, then turned to look at me. "He's lost it Aegis, get ready to take him down." She tightens her grip on her staff.

This man... is this what happens to those who were lost and turned crazed? Is killing him the only way? Nevermind that, I need to focus on protecting her. I had a feeling that he won't let her go even after taking up on his offer, not that I think she would. I take a stance.

"So be it." The man holds his hand forward and a continuous pillar of light erupts on the ground from his position, reaching us. We dodged out of the way.

I kept my momentum from the dodge and ran straight to him. I'll just have to make sure I land a hit just enough to knock him out. But... he seemed unphased by this. He just stood there while I quickly closed the gap.

Whatever creepy man, if you are so confident in yourself have a taste of this!


What the...

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