Chapter 16: Valuable Ally

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Author note: Sorry for the late update, motivation and inspiration is running at an all-time low.


During the whole time we were walking, I kept a watchful eye at every intersection to make sure nothing had a chance to jump on us. We had a pretty good synergy here with me watching the dark paths ahead with my eyesight and Emily watching our back. We managed to progress through three more rooms, but it was not without a fight. We encountered more of those goblins and wolves and dispatched them along the way. I did most of the work, although...

"Hit that goblin from the right!"

"That spear is blunt, just hit it away!"

"The wolves are following a leader, kill it first!"


Emily is more than happy to assume a support role. She pointed out weaknesses, chipped in a few damages and provided distractions here and there. Although, I kinda curious if she had some sort of skill for the weaknesses part. Nevertheless, she had been helpful. Also, I need to keep in mind that Emily can't handle being surrounded. She can hold herself on one on one fights but I think she doesn't have any casts that can hit multiple enemies at once and Disarray can only do so much. Which brings us to the situation at hand.

"You doing alright back there Emily?" I said while running.

"I'm ok! Just run!" She said.

Chasing after us are dozens of inhabitants in the Dungeon. A peculiar little goblin earlier immediately ran away the moment it saw us. I'm pretty sure it was the reason for these monsters, perhaps it alarmed other monsters. I can try to take them all on but I prefer not to risk exhausting myself and putting my partner here in danger. So we ran. The problem here is finding a way to lose them.

"Does this floor never ends?" I pondered out loud.

"I don't know... I'm afraid I can't run fo-" Emily abruptly stopped talking.

"What?" I was confused by the sudden pause.

I was about to check on her when she shouted: "Take a left on the path ahead!"

"Why?" I question her.

"Just trust me!"

Decided to follow her words, I turned left on the junction. What awaits ahead is another room, but this time a fountain stood out in the middle of it. A fountain room... just like in the ice dungeon before.

We rushed to get closer to the fountain. Something strange happens when we did, the closer we got to it the more of the monsters stopped their chase and scattered elsewhere until only both of us reached it.

We stopped and took a rest near it. This fountain... is something else. First it emits a calming aura and now it repels monsters? But first, something else is bothering me...

"Emily, how did you know this fountain was here?" I asked her.

"What? I just... sensed its presence before." She said unsure. "It's the reason the monsters ran away isn't it?"

While she is saying that, I paced around the fountain and absentmindedly started drinking the water.

"Hey don't just drink funny water in a Dungeon." She berated me.

"'s safe, I think." I said

"Really?" She asked and started inspecting the fountain. "Doesn't look like the water flows anywhere."

She took a sip nonetheless. "The water, its... revitalizing somehow..."

"If we ever go into a Dungeon again, I want to bring a bottle just so I can take some to take a look at it. Not that I wish to enter Dungeon again though." She said.

Then, we continued our exploration through the rest of the Dungeon. That reminds me, how do we get to the "center"? Do we just randomly stumble upon that place? Nothing makes sense in here.

After some time, we came across a person lying next to a tree. His face was obscured by the white robe that he is wearing. Emily was the first to respond to this.

"Oh god, are you alright mister?" She said.

She immediately went to check on the person for any injuries while I stood watch on our surroundings. How did that person get in here anyway? Something doesn't feel right about this...

"Doesn't seem like you are hurt. Come on, we'll-"

"You're a fool for coming here." The man said in an eerie voice.


Without warning, goblins sprouted from every corner! Grr...another trap. Suddenly, the man explodes in a cloud of smoke, obscuring vision.


"I got you, stay close to me!"

We stuck our back close and continued walking on the path ahead. I cut down any goblins on our path while Emily covers my back. The smokes make spotting them a bit difficult and they managed to land a few hits on me, and every time I quickly retaliated back with a stab. After a while, a cold feeling went over me.


Author note: Stay safe folks. Don't forget to wash your hands.

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