Chapter 13: Misunderstanding

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Author Note: Imagine having time to write.


Once the gate no longer holds, the goblins came pouring in screaming for blood. The humans clashed with the goblins soon after. They are having a hard time though, there are just so many of them. I got to give them help...

I jumped down and joined the fray, my claws, as sharp as always, slashed goblins that dared to come near me. I take extra care to not hit the humans. If this doesn't tell them that I was on their side, I don't know what will. They seemed baffled at first, but thankfully they got over it and continue defending the village.
Good because they should, I'm just here helping.

A moment later, a bunch of wolf riders entered the scene. It looks like they are ignoring the guards, darting around fightings and head straight to the escaping people, I can't let that happen. I proceeded to throw shards at them. Some hit the riders off their mounts while the elusive ones got hit on the wolves. Sorry wolves, but you are endangering the humans.

Despite my attempts, there are still casualties on our side. A few deaths by getting jumped on and stray spears through vital organs. I can't save them all... but I can sure as hell try my best.

I was on my way to lend a hand to a guard that was about to get overwhelmed, but...


Narrowly dodged a spear in front of me, I looked at its owner.

It was Elliot.

"I knew you were bad news the moment you came, you lead them to us aren't you?!" Elliot said, pointing his spear at me.

I don't have time for this. I tried sidestepping him, only to dodge a thrust from the spear.

"Where are you going huh?! You'll pay for what you did to my people!"

He started attacking me with his spear. Damn, I need to move past him. He looks like he's quite proficient with that spear, but I can still dodge his attacks.

"Stop this nonsense." I said with a hint of annoyance.

"Shut your mouth, you don't deserve to use human speak!" Another spear thrust.

Ugh, how can I get out of this situation without injuring him? Is there really a way to reason with him?. In any case, I need to disarm him first.

He left himself wide open a few times. I capitalized one and kicked him. Looks like I underestimated the strength as he hit the ground pretty hard, whoops. He got back up though, the guy is pretty tough I'll give him that. Too bad it isn't used to help his own village right now.

"Grr! Light Magic Haste!" He chanted after raising his left hand.

Will you just stand down already? Also, he can cast? I need to be carefu-

Swish! Swish!

In no time to spare, he was already onto me. Ugh, he's gotten faster now? It's also getting harder to dodge. I resort to just blocking his attacks.

"What's the matter? Can't keep up?" He taunted.

I ignored it and keep focusing on defense. There's a pattern in his attacks. If I could just do... this!



I parried his spear sending it flying and him off balance. I quickly rammed into him, unbeknownst to him that I just saved his life from a goblin that tried to stab his back. I immediately finished it off with a stab through the throat.

I turned around to see him staring at me from his sitting position. It looks like it didn't go unnoticed.

"Stay down, unlike you, I wish to save these people." I said.

And with that, I continued on helping the humans fight the goblins. Thankfully their numbers are decreasing. It wasn't long before someone shouted:

"Run! Something big is coming this way!"

Something big? I need to see this. I rushed on top of a house and peeked outside.

What the? A giant green monster the size of a house is heading this way, looking not much unlike the goblins, only bigger, much bigger. It also holds a giant club in its right hand.

I took a look around me. Even if I want to fight that thing, it would probably wreak havoc while fighting anyway. Maybe I could try to block this one out.

My mind focused as I cast a giant ice wall that blocks the entrance. Just gonna stall it long enough fo-


Damn, it wasn't going to last long after all. I'm already seeing some cracks in the wall. Perhaps I can send it constant energy to make it more resilient? I focused once more.


AAGH! That hurt my head, but I stayed focused.


I hold firm.


My vision went dark.


I think... I heard someone calling me.


My vision returned, apparently I'm on the ground.


Emily's face entered my vision. " You can't push yourself like that. Hey! Someone help me carry him!"

Then everything goes dark.


Author Note: Sorry for the long wait. To be honest, I'm having some difficulties wording stuff and fleshing out paragraphs. Like, I really want to detail stuff but it ends up failed miserably. So I just wing it and hope I get better.

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