Chapter 6 : Emily

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From the top of the peak, I can see the forest stretched for miles. There are a few mountains on the horizon, and what's look like a village a little further ahead. I can look at this scenery for a whole day, but unfortunately, I have more pressing matters to do.

I could make the village my destination for now. To learn more about this world, I need contact after all. But... I'm not sure how I should go from here. It's not like I can waltz in there and just ask them. Assuming the village is a human village of course. Ah, a problem for later.

My belly rumbled from being empty. Oh yeah, I need to find something to eat. When you're fighting for your dear life you kinda forget about things like that.

Should I go for a hunt? I took a peek at my claws. I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

I make my way down. When I reached below, I started stalking through the woods. There are a few of the smaller critters here and there like the rabbits, but they all ran away whenever I got near even though I'm pretty sure I didn't make a sound. Oh well, I could try to hunt one of the big games.

Speaking of which, I saw a deer nearby. It is happily eating something from a bush without a care in the world. I can work with this.

Wait, actually I don't. I'm pretty drenched with blood right now I'm pretty sure it will smell me if I stalk closer. A chase is a no go in my health. What to do... wait I can try the energy thing. Now how should I do this?

I closed my eyes and tried to recall what it felt like to call upon it. Then, I felt it from the center of my body, letting it flow once again to my hand. But this time, I expel the energy from me. I opened my eyes and met with an ice shard materialize in my hand.

Oh that is pretty cool. Maybe I can make time to practice more, but for now I need to eat!

I hold the shard and angled my hand to aim the deer from here. Steady... throw!


The shard went through the neck, cutting the head clean of its body. Blood splattered everywhere.


"Emily, Don't stray too far now!"

"I won't mom!"

I grabbed my basket and my staff and make my way into the forest. Our village has always been an isolated place, being deep in the forest. Mom said that its better this way so that we don't have to mingle with the troubles of the kingdom. But... I don't believe living in ignorance is good enough for me. If I had the chance, I would like to explore the world, to see what's out there. Nonetheless, I wouldn't go against her order either.

The defenses around the village is nothing to scoff at. The walls and watchtowers keep this place intact from wildlife and monster attacks. Especially when the goblins raids become more frequent lately. They always attack at night though, so I shouldn't be needing Gus (one of our guards and my uncle) to accompany me for now.

After passing through the gate, I went the usual route to my favorite cherry tree. Those berries are delicious and can go with all kinds of food.

Arriving there though... I found out the tree was barren of any berries. That's strange, I thought there was at least some of them left. Maybe I can go a little deeper.

On the way, I found a deer nibbling its way into a bush. From behind a tree, I peek to look at it. Aww, it's so cute.

Then its head cut off.

Look, I wasn't really a helpless girl. I know a few light spells to help me when I'm in trouble. But when the perfectly fine animal got killed out of nowhere you would be in shock too.


Okay, maybe that's a bit overkill. It's quite gory too. That aside, I got my food! I went happily at its side. I guess I should eat it raw like usual? Sure, why not.


What... what is that? That looks like a blue and white colored drake that decided to walk on two feet. Also, since standing like that, its quite tall, I think it's even taller than the adults in my village.

Oh god, its the one that killed the deer wasn't it? I need to get out of here.


While enjoying my food, I had a feeling like I was being watched from the trees. Then, a twig snapping sound could be heard from behind one of the trees. Looking from here, that looks like... a girl?



Curse my luck. While backing away, I stepped on a branch. Oh lord, oh lord, it's looking at me. What did I do to deserve this. My heart races so fast I think I might have a heart attack.

I pray that my death would be quick and painless like that deer.


What's she doing here? Maybe she comes from the village. She also looks like to be carrying a staff of some sort that reeks energy of its own.

I uh, I'm still not sure how I should interact with a human. I guess I just leave her alone? I think I'm finished here anyway. Maybe I could take a bath in the river. That would be nice.

I started walking away.


Did... did it just ignored me? What is that creature? I probably shouldn't be doing this, but I want to investigate further. It could be a threat to the village. Although, it sure didn't attack me...

I looked at my empty basket. After I filled this of course.


Phew, this chapter may have too many POV changes. I really hope you guys can understand it. Anyway, until later!

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