Chapter 9: A friend

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"It is strange, they shouldn't come out during day time..."

I ended up escorting her back to the village in case something may happen. I don't trust that she won't get attacked again. Thankfully, she didn't seem to mind me tagging along. Actually, she seems rather cheery, so cheery she started talking, even if it is a one-sided talk.

"Perhaps someone may be tempering with the anomaly...? No no, I don't think so, none have ever succeeded doing that, at least not in a while."

I tried paying attention to what was she saying. But really, it's all just bits of information that is too vague to make a full picture.

"Another thing is you." She looked up and gave me a look. "I've never seen a drake here in this forest and I've been living here my whole life! And a friendly one too."

Should I say something? Honestly, I'm afraid that I don't speak human language after all. Maybe I'll just let her finish talking first. After all, I appreciate the company and it will be a shame if I scare her so soon.

"I mean I assume you are friendly. You aren't plotting anything like eating me aren't you?" She said with a low tone.

What? No. Girl, if I want you dead you'll be dead a long time ago. I shake my head slowly.

Strangely, that answer got her giddy. Maybe she was expecting it?

"So you can understand me, I knew it. You got that very intelligent eyes. Monsters don't have that, I'm pretty sure. You also helped me out to which I'm thankful. But what boggles me the most is that impressive display of Lifeforce casting..."

That got my attention. Lifeforce casting? Maybe it was the frost magic?

"It is very rare for monsters to use it and even rarer for using it with such graceful controls. Although, some maybe can master it faster due to having specific anatomy.........."

She started ranting about monsters in general. While that is interesting in itself, I am more interested in this Lifeforce.

....should I say something? I want to know more.

"...Please tell me more about this 'Lifeforce'" My hoarse voice reached her.

Well, that was one way to make her stop on her tracks. She turned to look at me with a shocked face. I take it talking drakes wasn't common?

"Did you just talked?"

A pause. "....yes?"

"This is... this is amazing! Wow! Are your kind all like this? Where did you come from? Actually, what are you? Do you have a master? Where did you learn th-"

"Hold it. I have no answer for any of those questions, because I don't know who am I."

"You... don't remember yourself?"

I nodded slowly

"Oh, bummer."

"Could you tell me more about Lifeforce instead?"

"Hmm? I can give you a brief description since the information is scarce. Basically, Lifeforce is an energy for living creatures to live. Every living being have it but not all can learn to manipulate it. Those that can learn it are called mages. Lifeforce will slowly regenerate if used some but getting hurt limits how much you can regenerate. Complete depletion of Lifeforce means death, got that?"

I nodded.

"Every living being has a Lifeforce attuned to a specific element. Either flame, frost, thunder, light or dark. I learned how to look at someone's else Lifeforce to see what element that they are attuned to but curiously, yours are blurry. Which is strange since you are obviously frost elemental creature right?"

Before I said anything we have already arrived at the outskirt of her village. She can walk the rest from here. I turned around to start walk away.


I looked back to see her waving.

"I'll see you again soon!"

I decided to wave back.


"You know, we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Emily."

I'm currently in my training basis. Conjuring shards, frost walls, and armors. Emily arrived earlier and sat nearby to watch.

"The name's Aegis."

She ponders. "Huh, I think I've heard that name somewhere too."

She watches in silence for a while before saying something. "You know, you never really told me where did you come from."

"... I came from an ice cavern."

"You mean the up on the hill, the sealed one?"

"I think so."

"Oh wow. I thought it is strange how someone could enter or exit the forest."

That made me pause. "Why was it strange that someone can enter?"

She didn't answer.

"Emily?" I tried again. "How can I escape this forest?"

"You can't"


"This forest is surrounded by Mystery Dungeon."


"Here, take this."

We are currently sitting next to the river when she handed me her basket.

"What's this?"

"I sneaked out a cherry pie granny's made. I hope you like it."

From the outside, I can already smell the pie. It smelled delicious. I took a peek inside. It looks delicious too. But... "This isn't a test if I can eat this or not right?"

"What? No. I thought you were hungry... so I brought this."

Huh. She is right about that part. The hunt is not looking too good these few days. Finding prey is getting rarer each day. I'm not sure where they are gone and I doubt I hunt them to extinction.

Anyway, I took a piece and ate it. Then another piece, then another, then full-on gobble oh lord this is good. I think... my tail is wagging.

"Woah, calm down. I could bring some more if you want?"

I enthusiastically nodded, before I caught myself and slowly nodding instead.

She just chuckles.


Another dreamless night. It was still a little early in the morning so I was thinking of going back to sleep before I heard my name was called.


She sounded desperate. I jumped down to meet her. She goes straight to talking the moment she arrives.

"Aegis help! Granny, they took her! They are going to bring her to the dungeon!

You gotta help her!"

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