Chapter 14: Plan

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A man with a dark cloak can be seen kneeling in front of a huge statue in a dark room. A single candle as the only source of light. He spoke in whispers while holding his hands in a fist in front of him, most likely praying.

The sound of a door opening can be heard, another man in dark cloak entered and closed the door behind him.

The man stopped his prayer and spoke first without turning around. "So, did you successfully identify the energy?"

"Yes, I can't believe it! It is true, the energy is the same when compared, however faint it is."

"So it is true, our lord has returned, though weakened. As loyal servants, we are responsible to restore their power to former glory." The man stood up. "Come! There is much to be done."

The lights went out, but the red eyes of the statue still glowed brightly.


I opened my eyes slowly. The green foliage of the forest greeted me, the sun's already risen. Did I really pass out? How long have it been? Wait, the huge monster! I jolted up into sitting position.

"Woah, easy there."

I saw Emily coming closer to my right with a bowl in her hand and sat down.

"You finally woke up. I was starting to think that you wouldn't" She said. "Carrying you is no easy task you know, you should do some diet plans sometimes" She said with a grin, probably trying to lighten the mood.

"Emily, the village-"

"-is gone, but the people are saved, thanks to you too." She said. "..well, most are saved." She added with a low tone.

I took a look at the surroundings. The villagers set up tents around us. Most are recuperating from the attack, while others move around doing chores to keep the camp running. Some smiles were send my way, to which warmed my heart.

"Sorry we had to lay you out here, you kinda didn't fit the tent." She said.

"It's fine, just... what happened to that huge goblin?"

"Huge goblin? Oh, you mean the orc?" She replied. "After you passed out, it came through crashed everything in the village like it was its task since the beginning. Thankfully, we had enough time to evacuate."

"It didn't give a chase?"

"Not really, it went back to the other direction."

I doubt that's the end of it. Was destroying the village its objective from the beginning? If so, for what purpose? There's something going on behind the scenes.

"So.. what now?" I asked.

"Sit tight, granny will have a talk with the people in just a bit. You should join us." She stood up. "Well, since you are already awake, I'll just call her right away." Then she walked away.

"Ma, look! Over there, its mister dragon!"

I looked for the source of the voice. It was the kid that I saved from before. Looks like he dragged a woman by his hand, most likely his mother. I watch silently as they approached.

The woman spoke first. "You must be the one that saved us from the burning house. Thank you. How could we ever pay you?"

".. it's alright, I'm just doing what was right." I said.

She smiled in return. "Thank you again."

She walked away bringing her son along. "See you later mister dragon!"

After seeing them go, I waited for a bit before the villagers were called to the middle of the camp. I followed after them. Looking at them, I sure do towers all of them in terms of height.

Granny was standing in the middle of the gathering. After everyone was settled down, she starts her speech with a steady voice.

"My fellow friends and family, we have lost a great part of us today. Our homes that stood for years have been destroyed. We have also lost a few that fight to defend it. We shouldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. The enemy has lost a great chunk of their force. That's why a selected few will be sent into the dungeon to attack the source during their weakest. I and the remaining of the guards are tasked with this job. As one of the few white mages in this village, I swore to do my part."

...Granny, you sure about this? Are they really going to fight so soon after what happened a few hours ago? I can see their face, they are all tired. Determined, but tired nonetheless.

Then, Granny turned to look at me. "Aegis, you will come with us right?"

Everyone turned to look at me. Sure, I'm happy to help. But are they ready to fight? Thinking for a bit, I settled for an answer.

"Yes, I will assist in this endeavor," I said, to which she looked relieved. But I'm not done yet. "but none of you will come, I'm going in on my own."

Shocked faces among the crowd. Granny has something to say to this.

"Surely you aren't thinking of going alone? I trust your strength Aegis, but the Dungeon is a deadly place. Going alone is suicide."

I was about to say how I survived one before, but another voice interjects.

"Then let me join him."

The voice revealed to be Emily from the crowd. She walked near the center.

"Emily you don't have to do this." I voiced my concern.

"I made up my mind, I feel like I can be strong with you. I promised not to be a burden." Emily said. I'm flattered but I'm more concerned about her safety.

Granny also looked troubled with this, but she spoke with an accepting tone. "So be it. Emily will be joining you to the Dungeon."

Emily said her thanks while I just nodded slowly. I can't really stop her, do I?

"Sooo, off we go then." Emily turned around to the Dungeon's direction. I trailed behind her.

"Wait," Granny called, to which we halted. A guard passed her what looked like a leather bag to which she passed it to Emily.

"Take this bag, keep your items in here. It might prove useful." Granny said.

Emily thanked her and began our walk, but not without the final say from Granny:

"Good luck."


Author notes: Real life obligations mega oof. Also, I certainly didn't waste time fantasizing a collab with a certain author no sir.

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