Chapter 18 : Depart

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The sky was visible to us once again. The trees very much looked like they parted ways to not create a wall like it used to do in that place. The sunlight provides visibility and welcoming warmth. It's like the Dungeon was never here in the first place.

Whatever we did in there, the Dungeon was no more. This must mean a big thing to the forest, now that its presence no longer haunts its inhabitants.

I took the staff from the dead man's hand and walked back to where Emily was sitting. "Here, you dropped this."

She took the staff from my claw. "Thank you." Then, she glanced at the man's body, then to the wound in the middle of it. "He's really dead isn't he?" She asked.

I unconsciously looked down. "I...I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"No no, it's fine. You just did what you had to do, I can understand that. I just wish he would've backed down..." She interjected. "In fact, I believe it's my fault too, I shouldn't let my guard down so easily."

"It's just that I feel like I should've helped somehow..."


She looked up and smiled. "But what's done is done right? No looking back."


She stood up and took a look at our surroundings. "We are outside now... whew, we made it without much trouble. I think it's safe to say that the Dungeon is gone now."

Is it really? Then there's nothing stopping me from getting out of this forest now right? But first..."Yeah, let's get back to Granny to tell her this news."

The return trip went peaceful enough. Not a single goblin was met on our way back to the village. In fact it's eerily quiet, we didn't see a single wildlife on the way. I wonder where they went...

Nearing our destination, we saw granny already waiting in front of the ruined gate of the village. It seems that they moved back in the area, setting their tents inside. Are they planning to rebuild back the burned down houses? It'll surely take some time if that's the case.

Emily ran towards Granny and the two embraced. "It's good to see you safe Emily,"
I slowly approached them. "you too Aegis."

Granny let go of Emily. "In your absence, I've already sent someone to check once I sensed something different. From him, we now know that anyone can safely enter and exit the forest."

Granny turned to face me. "I know that you are eager to go out there and chase your goal, but please, rest for the night with us. It's the least that we can do. Plus, we all can depart from this place at the same time."

Emily looked confused. "We? Are we going somewhere?"

Granny gave a somber smile to Emily. "There's nothing for us here dear. Now our homes were destroyed, there's nothing holding us back to move to greener pastures." Granny gave a pause before continuing. " But you don't have to follow us too Emily."

"What?" was Emily's incredulous response.

"I've known you for a long time. You longed for an adventure, but there is just so much this forest has to offer. Now your chance is right in front of your eyes." Granny gestured towards me. "To the north lies a kingdom, where histories were written down in records and kept in their library. I would assume Aegis here wished to find a lead there. But it's also a place of adventures and opportunities. Suits your wish right?"

Granny wanted Emily to tag along with me? Uhh, is this alright? I can't even guarantee my safety let alone looking out for another. I'll probably won't stop her if she decides to follow, but...

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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