Chapter 1: Waking up

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...where am I?...

There is so much word to describe this sensation right now, confused, scared, exhausted, pain, but there is one that dominates it all...

It's cold

VERY cold

Something is wrong, why am I feeling so cold?

How did I get here? Better yet, who am I?

The thought of being a nameless nobody makes me panic, but with a deep breath, I decide to calm down and assess the situation properly.

"Alright, let's take this slowly" a hoarse voice came out of me, with a hint of animalistic growling. That.. kinda worries me, but let's focus on the important ones first.

My name.

Closing my eyes, I try searching deep within my mind. What came out of it is not impressive, random information scattered around resulting in an incoherent mess. Only the general knowledge stayed intact, like what a family is, thank goodness for that. Other things did not make any sense in the slightest. In fact, do I even have a relative?

Okay, let's just... figure out where am I first. I finally take a good look around me. It looks like some sort of ice cavern, and a quite spacious one at that. The ceiling is very high, dotted with sharp icicles. Ice shards and pillars jutted from the ground creating a messy, but beautiful look for the cavern. But one thing is for sure...

I need to get out of here.

I think finding civilization is my best bet for understanding my condition. I very much dislike being in the dark, so not knowing myself makes it much worse. For that, I need some contacts.

I tried moving my leg but found out I was unable to. There seems to be a chunk of ice covering my mid to lower section of my body. I was on my way of inspecting it with my ... hand, but that is not a hand. Instead, four clawed feet reach out to touch the ice.

What the...

I start hyperventilating, was my hand always like this? I don't know, but it feels so wrong moving it. It was the same for my left han... claws. Alright, alright, let's get out of here first, then I can check on myself.

There are multiple cracks in the ice that's encasing me. I think I can break through these with enough force. I start punching the ice with my claws, little by little tearing down the ice.

*Twack* *Twack* *Twack*

J... just a little bit more. I'm already tired, but I can't give up now. I must escape!

*Twack* *Twack* *Crash!*

Finally, the ice shattered in pieces. I immediately tumble down to the ground, gasping for air. "Alright, *gasp* g...gonna take five"

I take this chance to take a look at myself. I seem to be covered in white scales for most of my body parts with a few hardened ones on my chest. With my black, white-clawed (hand?), I touch the white mane that flows on my shoulders to just a bit on my back. Feeling to where my mouth is, a long muzzle makes its appearance, and the tail... there is a spade-shaped thing at the end of ... my tail.

My mind races to find an answer to what I am, but I push it all back. Survival comes first. Besides, it's still too dark to make out too many details.

With resolve, I push myself on my feet.

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