Chapter 12: Calm and Storm

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Granny went right to the kitchen to start cooking the moment she comes home. Emily has gone to help her too, so that leaves me lazing on the floor. I don't mind though, it's quite comfy.

I don't plan to stay here for long. Tomorrow I'll traverse the dungeon, surely, there must be a way out on the other side. Emily and her grandma are good companies, but I can't stay here.

A delicious aroma filled the house. I really hope I didn't put a strain on their food supply or something.

It wasn't long before the food is served. A modest meal, rice and chicken with a few side dishes but it looks delicious all the same. And a pie, Emily must have requested that, bless her.

"I'm going to pick up a few things from the store." Emily said and off she goes. That leaves me and Granny here to enjoy the meal.

"Have a seat, its all yours."

Or not. I guess I'll be enjoying these alone. I tried my best to seat myself on the wooden chair. She sat next to me with a cup of tea in her hand. Well, time to dig in. Ignoring the utensils, I tried my best not to make a mess using my claws.

"What's your name sonny?"

While I was enjoying the food, Granny here strikes up a conversation. I should at least entertain her question for her generosity. I swallowed the food in my maw.

"The name's Aegis, thank you for inviting me here."

"Oh don't mention it, I know a kind person when I saw one. I just couldn't help it. Besides, it has been a long time since we had a guest." Granny said. "My name is Marilyn, but you can call me by Granny like my granddaughter."

"I'm quite curious how you get here Aegis, and how you met my granddaughter if you wouldn't mind sharing your story of course. We don't get to hear much here in our village."

Should I tell her? I guess it was alright since she's related to Emily. So I told her what I told to Emily. I decided to not mention what I am since I wasn't so sure about that.

"Ah.. a memory lost, that is worrying. Is that why you are helping humans, and aren't attacking them instead?"


She knew all along.

"Perhaps we should be grateful. I see you are a formidable one. But deep inside is a kind soul. Living on fleeting memories, guided by strong morals.

Could you perhaps hold onto that moral, until at least you found out about who you are?"

I didn't sense any hostility coming from her. I nodded, confirming my resolve.

"That's good to see but ah... I shouldn't interrupt your appetite with my ramblings. Carry on."

I looked at the pie that has gone a bit cold, took a piece and ate it. It tastes as good as ever.


I got up from the soft bedding on the floor. They are kind enough to prepare that for me. Shame that I somehow can't find sleep this night. I guess I'll just take some air outside.

I decided to climb onto the roof from the window, trying my best to stay quiet to avoid from waking up others. Once reached, I sat down on the roof, overlooking the village.

I sat for a moment longer before noticing something feels off. I accessed my surroundings and found a curious light outside the village wall. Is that... fire?

Not a moment later, a barrage of flame rained onto the village, spears that were set on fire. We are under attack! I need to wake up everyone!

I came back inside and quickly knocking on Emily's door. She opened it a moment later.

"Aegis? Isn't it still too early?" Came the tired voice from Emily.

"Not for long! We are under attack!" I said.

"Aw crap, Granny predicted this, but it's too soon. I'll go wake her."

While she's doing that, I came outside to have a look at the village. The guards are already screaming on top of their lungs warning others. The spears hit a few houses. It won't be long before it caught on fire at this rate.

"Oi Aegis! Take cover!" Emily screamed over under a roof. I followed suit and stand beside her and Granny.

"Damn it, they're burning this place down. We need to get the people to safety. The attacks seem like coming from the front gate. We can sneak from the back until this blows over. Emily, come with me, we need to alert others. Aegis, you help the guards at the front. They are buying us time to escape." Granny spoke like a true leader she is.

"Got it." I said with confidence. "You guys stay safe alright."

"You too Aegis." Emily responded.

I nodded before took off running. It's chaotic out here. People starting to realize what was happening. I look worryingly at the guards trying to shoot at unseen enemies outside with a bow, so few of them too... I can start from there.

Before I did anything, a scream near me got my attention. It was coming from a nearby house that got caught on fire. I immediately ran there to investigate.

"Someone help!" Came a child's voice from inside.

I bashed the door open, no time for subtleties. There's a kid sitting in the corner trying to avoid the fire. I just ran through it all, my scales helps lessen the brunt of it.

"W... wha."

Once I reached him, I immediately grabbed him and ran back outside. He seemed shocked by my sudden action.

I put him down once we're outside. "Go with the others, they will get you to safety."

He seemed like he wanted to say something. "M..mister dragon, my mom is still in there! You got to help her!"

The moment I heard that I ran back inside to find her. Two doors kicked down later, I found her. She still lay on her bed, must have passed out from the smokes. I carried her outside too.

"Thank you for saving my mom mister dragon!" When I got out, the kid thanked me.

I can't leave her like this. I called a guy over. "Hey you over there! I need your help!"

He thankfully heard me. He ran here without hesitation.

I got straight to the point. "Can you get this lady here and her son to safety?"

He looked her over before nodded. "Alright, let's go boy."

I passed her over to him and took off again. A few people saw what I did, but I didn't mind them too much. What's important now is taking out those hostiles outside.

I climbed one of the houses and start raining shards to the attackers. I did this for a while before a loud bang sound came from the front gate.

Oh no. They are breaching in.


Author note: I realized that I suck at pacing. To not make the eat scene too awkward, I cut a few corners here and there and well.. the thing alone is too short for a chapter, so I just continued on to the next scene that decision took way too long.

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