Chapter 8: Savior

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I'm sorry for the long release. Large assignments and final examinations are around the corner and they have been occupying my mind. If anything, I'll be posting my whereabouts in the conversations tab. If my next update won't be this month, then I wish you guys a happy new year.


I had a dream. A dream of becoming powerful. I towered over the mountains. My steps create and destroy the landscape. The fire... they are my desire. The euphoric feeling of burning everything in my sight... it is sickening.

I watch myself razing kingdoms with my flames. The humans don't stand a chance. I watch as the cursed flame consumed them. Their fortress, their walls, their shields, none of them stop the spread of the fire.

Then the scene changed. I saw that girl from before, knelt down surrounded by dead people. Perhaps they were close to her, like a relative. She was crying, grieved by their loss. All the while fire ranging around her. After a moment, I did something that will scar me.

I burned her too.


I woke up with a jolt. Took me some time to calm me down. I touched the fur and the wood I was lying on to firm myself that this was not a dream.

That dream... it was so vivid. Every sensation and emotion felt so real. And yet, it was still just a dream, a bad dream. Another mystery to be added to the list.

I looked up. The sun is already high, and I felt quite hungry. Time to have a bath and hunt.

While refreshing myself with the water, I noticed something amiss. Where is that girl? She should be already peeking at me.

I got out of the water while thinking about this. Maybe she was busy today? I was hoping for her to come out when she deemed me as not a threat. I guess that can't be helped.

Actually, wasn't the forest quite empty today? I stalked around without finding any animals. Did something happen?

Then, I heard a cry in the distance. The girl!

I quickly make my way towards it. She may be in danger. Let it not be too late. I must save her!


I saw a burst of light in the distance. A few moments later, it became clear that she was indeed in trouble. Surrounded by wolves, she appeared to be fighting them alone.

Already I saw three of them lunged at once. Argh! I might not make it in time! Ice shards can only do so much. I must try my other experimental cast.

During the training sessions, I've been practicing flowing my energy out of my body. I've found out that I can somehow 'extend' my energy into the things I touch to a degree. For this one, I let it flow out of my feet into the ground. I extend it to reach in front of the girl.

Success! An ice wall conjured that protected her from the lunges. While she is still vulnerable for more attacks, it bought me enough time to reach her. The wolves are quite dazed by my move. Now is my chance.

I rammed one of them into a tree and throw a shard to another one, killing them. At that time, they got out of their stupor and begin to attack me. I dodged one and blocked the other with my ice armor. Then, I finished both of them with my claws. Keeping the ice wall seems to be draining me, so I let it shatters for now.

I looked at my surroundings. It seems like there are five of them left. Curiously, one of them had a goblin riding it. It flinched when I set my eyes on it. I swiftly end its life with a shard throw. The wolves immediately dispersed upon seeing the dead goblin.

Now that is over and done with, I turn to check on the girl. She is just standing there, eyeing me warily. It looks like she is struggling standing up too.

...why are you looking at me like that? I'm pretty sure I saved you. Was it my appearance?

I took a moment to look at my bloodied self, the blood of the wolves. Then, I cursed for my really messy way of fighting. Dammit me, couldn't have made it any more gruesome now could you?

Now its just became a contest of staring. Well, how do I get out of this situation? Oh wait, she started wobbling in place. Oh dear, she collapsed from being exhausted.

I can't leave her here. Maybe I can lift her to my place? I moved to carry her and her staff. This may take a moment.


After a dip into the water, I took a glance at the girl I rested near the river. I don't think she really needs any immediate medical attention since she just seems to have small cuts here and there. That won't kill her, I hope.

I took another dip. I really have no idea what to do with her. Maybe I can give her a few sip of water? I got out after scooping some in my hands.

"They shouldn't... not .... morning..."

She's mumbling again. It's too incoherent for me to understand. Anyway, I knelt down next to her and start pouring into her mouth. Wait, are my claws clean enough fo...

*cough!* *cough!*

Oh, she's awake. I gave her some space to get up into a sitting position.

*cough!* "What happened? How did I get h-"

*Sigh*. She froze again when she sees me. I guess that can't be helped. I'll just mov..

I felt a hand grabbed my leg. Is that a look of uncertainty I see? Or was it gratefulness? Either way, she seems like she wants to say something. I sat back down.

"...thank you. I... I don't know if you can understand me, but thank you."


"We both look exhausted, let me fix that"

What is she-


She held out her hand, creating this soft light that soothes me. I suddenly felt energized, too.

"There you go, much better isn't it?"

We sat down in silence after that. But it wasn't an uncomfortable one. We bask in the calm atmosphere, accompanied by the soft sound of the river.

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